Posting in case there might be an alternative explanation to my probable solarpanelfailure.
I mainly only use the van for one night at a time, as such I don't pay that much attention to my power setup other than a couple of glances at the Victron app to see how it's doing.
Given the strange...
I answered this in another thread but in summary:
1) Not ideal as the common failure mode is delamination, even if it's not visible. If it isn't then the other common failure is bus bars breaking due to differential thermal expansion and if you bond it on top you're going to get even worse...
Ok, first the good news. We’ve picked up the van and it’s amazing. Great job @Absolut5. Everything from them is in perfect working order and beautifully installed.
Then there’s the bad news. In final testing they have discovered the solarpanel was jiggered so the van is booked in again in March...
had a quick chat with the installer and showed him the solarpanel manual, as suspected his answer was:
"the roof ridges are the same as on your van roof, I find these instructions strange really as we have always bonded the solar to the roof without filling them in (never had any issues) we...
SolarPanel. . . 180W (24.0v VOC, 9.22A ISC) Black, Mono, rear junction.
I've asked the pop-top installer to fit the panel. . .
I've included the install guide in the panel box,
and I've highlighted the install notes about FILLING IN THE ROOF RIDGES, to create a smooth surface (for equal...
I don’t have an isolator on my panels, just a fuse. It’s adding complication & failure points imho. You have to find somewhere to mount it, it can be inadvertently turned on/off, it’s adding joints in the cable which will squander your precious solar yield. KISS.
Just my 2 penneth fwiw.
We have an NDS SunControl2 which has two separate inputs for solarpanels. I don’t know whether this is any different to just connecting two panels in parallel, but it definitely provides 50% degraded capability when one panel fails.
At BusFest last year we identified one panel was failed, but...
yes, well it seems to be well documented that unsupported ridges is what causes the premature failures in the panels,
as it allows uneven thermal expansion which crack the busbars.
I've got flexible panels now 5years old that work perfect . . . as they are mobile and not stuck to a roof...
just got me thinking. . . .
this 10mm foam stuff might be good as a filler for the roof ridges on the T6.?
for when fitting the flexible solarpanels. . .
I've not measures the ridges yet. . . ?
but if they...
I fitted yesterday’s purchase and moved the solar input from the ctek to the battery following my holiday ctek failure.
At least I now have some juice coming in.
So, a quick question. The instructions say mount vertically mmm, not possible. Is this an issue?
Also, there’s only about 5A max going...
Hi all
My brother in law has a Autohaus camper which has a few faults that I have so far been unable to test for as he lives 400 miles away in cornwall.
So the solarpanel isn't charging (possible panelfailure)
No power to the Webasto heater
No power to the fridge
Other 12v sockets lights...
Arguably no one 'needs' a smart shunt for leisure applications, it really depends on whether you're desperate to know precisely how much charge you have left. Every new component you add will add to the complexity of the installation. Presumably your battery has basic charge monitoring built...
Thanks farnorthsurfer. Looks like it’s the way forward, just wether I go fro one big panel or two smaller panels to cover a panelfailure, and a renogy charger. I’m assuming it’s a split realy charger as it’s a factory fit second battery, I’m not really sure what’s involved with that or what it...
After a second flexi solarpanelfailure, I'm going for a rigid type in the hope that it's a last time fit & forget job. The first flexi to fail was a generic chinese one factory fitted to the poptop by Reimo, that lasted around 2 years. The second one, which has just failed was a Carbest...
Thanks @Dellmassive I will ping Renogy and see what they say but need the van back as have more trips planned. May well just buy another Renogy as it does everything I need it to do.
Hard to get high solar VOC input and low temp cut off all in the same unit.
For sure I think it was an internal...
Thank you for the suggestions.
This morning, after leaving it off all night, it appears to be working again :rolleyes:
I have it plugged back into the solarpanel and it is charging again - albeit at only 35w as it is overcast. No sign of the battery failure symbol.
Obviously don't want...
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