This project is still in work, with very slow progress.That is very good! Did you manage to connect the Area view control unit to headunit, in order to see the image from the cameras?
Although I could use my daughters' art skills to draw it I have decided to use local printing specialist.I just ordered the Calibration-Sheet as simple Plotter Print on DINA0+++ Paper
Lets see how that works.
View attachment 94317
Christmas is over and still more presents arrivedJust bought 3 video cables for my front & both side cameras (2.5 meter each).
Another well invested €25 = £ 23.
View attachment 96014
For BMW Audi Mercedes-Benz Land Rover combox USB video instrument bridge wiring LVDS cable - AliExpress 34
Smarter Shopping, Better Living!
And I am going to dare to share.Thanks to @dnoermann 's research we know that there is even more complex calibration required.
Not necessarily the same generation but example can be seen below.
View attachment 99268
I’m trying to pick up the reverse feed from the B pillar but mine has two green\black wires. I’ve got a tailgate with reverse lamps each side, have I got two wires in the B pillar because there is one for each side?Thanks to @Pauly for pointing out that this is the rear wiper feed and the reverse feed is the green/black behind the B pillar
Could well be, mine originally only had one reverse light and there was only one green/black cable. Can you backprobe it at a connection and put a multimeter between it and ground while you select reverse?I’m trying to pick up the reverse feed from the B pillar but mine has two green\black wires. I’ve got a tailgate with reverse lamps each side, have I got two wires in the B pillar because there is one for each side?
I just want to make sure I tap in to the right one if anyone can help.
I probed the first one and it worked so I’ve tapped in to it, I didn’t bother trying the second one.Could well be, mine originally only had one reverse light and there was only one green/black cable. Can you backprobe it at a connection and put a multimeter between it and ground while you select reverse?
VCDS Version: Release 20.12.0
Address 6C: Back-up Cam.
Control Module Part Number: 5Q0 907 556 B
Component and/or Version: Areaview 2 H13 0607
Software Coding: 01230601A30F20000000480C
Work Shop Code: WSC 01357
VCID: 3828D107C2DFC51B8B2-806C
Advanced Identification/FAZIT
Serial number: C854707JG007065
Identification: URB-E44
Date: 13.11.16
Manufacturer number: 0005
Test stand number: 0842
Flash Status
Programming Attempts(application): 1/0/0/0/0/0/0
Programming Attempts(data): 1/0/0/0
Successful Attempts(data): 1/0/0/0
Flash Date: 00.01.01
Flash Tool Code(data): 00200 011 01357
Hardware number: 5Q0 907 556
Workshop System Name: J928
Dataset Number: V03935247PZ
Dataset Version: 0001
ASAM Dataset Revision: 006017
VCDS Info:
VCID: 3828D107C2DFC51B8B2-806C
Labels: None
Eventually I have managed to perform my bench test.
View attachment 103760
Next step is Data Set upload and I am convinced that Sharan 7N is going to be the most appropriate
as its wheelbase is 2920 mm and this is only 80 mm short to T5/T6 SWB of 3000 mm.
Passat B8 wheel base is 2791 mm and data set from that vehicle would be too far off.
Yes Can Gateway is connected, actually on PQ25 platform there are three controllers in one box(BCM-09, CAN GW-19 & Battery regulator-61).You have quite an impressive testing setup!Is there GW connected, I can't see it in this picture? Did you manage to get an image already, or in other words, I see that FAKRA is connected on the Area View unit, but where does the other end goes?!
Regarding data set I only looked up wheel bases but I didn't really check what files are available.Hello @Robert, want to ask you some questions:
1. "Next step is Data Set upload and I am convinced that Sharan 7N is going to be the most appropriate
as its wheelbase is 2920 mm and this is only 80 mm short to T5/T6 SWB of 3000 mm. "
Are you sure Sharan 7N was factory fitted with Area View system, hence the presence of Data Set file?!
2. What about the T6.1 LWB, which is 3400 mm? The closest is the one of VW Teramont ( 2979 mm ), on which this system is fitted. What in your opinion will be the effect of shorter wheelbase Data Set on a longer wheelbase vehicle, I think there will be some distortions on the both ends of the image!
I want to thank you for all your time and effort you are putting on this project and sharing the details with us!
Yes Can Gateway is connected, actually on PQ25 platform there are three controllers in one box(BCM-09, CAN GW-19 & Battery reguator-61).