Hi Skoti, apologies for the late reply. For some reason I didn't get the notification.I've got a similar power loss issue with my 2021 T6.1, 110KW, engine code DNNA, 6 speed manual.
Although no warning lights are flickering when driving.
When the normal sort of diesel engine rustling/rattling noise that usually happens at certain light throttle under 2000rpm stops happening the engine also becomes flat and unresponsive as if the turbo is blocked.
When the noise starts again normal power resumes. (This sometimes lasts a few hundred miles between episodes)
I suspected the EGR(s) and was going to buy a Carista until I read this thread and noted it was unable to detect the problem.
Please post if you manage to resolve your problem or can offer advice, otherwise I may be forced to visit a VW main stealer.
Hope you got sorted.
For the benefit of future readers I have taken the van for a long journey and before turning off the ignition ran the Carista. It's coming up with engine fault code 43458 - torque management system - engine shutdown.. finally getting somewhere on the diagnosis.
I googled the code and not a lot came up but what did come up on another forum was that someone had the same code show up and turned out to be a faulty oil temperature sensor, where temperatures were showing extremely high and causing the engine to shutdown. I then checked my own oil temp (which I've never thought to do) and it was sat at 144 degrees after an hours drive with no towing sat at 70 (standard conversion but nothing else), whilst water temps are fine.
Next steps is to take it in to VW, to check whether its the sensor, the oil pump or something else that's causing such high temps.
Will post an update once I have one.
Has anyone else experienced those kind of temperatures?