Adblue warning.

I was driving along calmly today when: Beep. An orange spanner and 'pouring bottle' appear. A message: In 650 miles, your engine will not restart and mass extinctions will follow*.

I know I had about 2500 miles range when I recently looked.
Could it be a leak, faulty sensor or a prank?
I had driven on some bumpy and wet roads, but nothing out of the ordinary.
The message kept flashing up.
I noticed, a few miles later after turning on to the M5, it had stopped the warning sign.
I indexed round to the Adblue screen: Back to 2500 mile range.
Could it be a dirty plug contact that needs a bit of WD40 or sticky level indicator?

* not a precise quotation.....
It’s a fairly common occurrence and does not necessarily mean you have an issue. Lots of us have had the same warning and then it reverts back to normal. Just keep an eye on it and make sure not to fill more than the recommended amount on the MFD. If the problem persists you might need a software update but VW will only do the update if it’s a persistent issue.
As @Higgidav says this has happened to a few of us, it’s important not to refill your adblue if you know you have enough in the tank as overfilling it will cause more problems. It seems to be an issue with the sensor reading the level. Mine reset and I’ve done 1200 miles or so without it reoccurring. I spoke to VW Croydon about it but they had never come across it so no obvious fix there. Eventually someone on here will work it out, they normally do
Hi posted re this on an earlier thread. On my t6 problem seems to occur on motorway driving when the low engine revs keeps the exhaust temp cool and allows deposit on sensor in the exhaust. I have found that if the dpf does a regen it cleans the sensor the fault messages clear and the correct adblue level returns. With the frequency of regens don’t think you would get to the no engine start. On long motorway runs every 300 miles or so I put the dsg in manual drop a gear or 2 till the rpm is above 2000 for 3/4 miles and the 650 miles no engine start has never recurred. I didn’t get the software update as some have said it increases the adblue consumption.
Hi posted re this on an earlier thread. On my t6 problem seems to occur on motorway driving when the low engine revs keeps the exhaust temp cool and allows deposit on sensor in the exhaust. I have found that if the dpf does a regen it cleans the sensor the fault messages clear and the correct adblue level returns. With the frequency of regens don’t think you would get to the no engine start. On long motorway runs every 300 miles or so I put the dsg in manual drop a gear or 2 till the rpm is above 2000 for 3/4 miles and the 650 miles no engine start has never recurred. I didn’t get the software update as some have said it increases the adblue consumption.
Interesting, how does the sensor in the exhaust affect the van deciding the adblue level or is it a case of one “fault” triggers another
Interesting, how does the sensor in the exhaust affect the van deciding the adblue level or is it a case of one “fault” triggers another
I wonder if it causes the van to vastly over estimate the consumption rate of Adblue (because it doesn't seem to be working) and therefore shorten the predicted range?

As I tend to drift along with heavies on long roadtrips that's one to keep an eye on. Funny how many vehicles the occasional spot of... spirited... driving is good for them - with the XC70 you need to do it to stop corrosion of the rear discs.
Hi jimc91. That’s a good question.I had this error message 3 times the 3rd heading for Hull for the ferry. Once the countdown got to about 400 miles the message cleared. It was a service manager of a VW dealer in Holland who gave me this explanation and “remedy” and it tied in with all 3 occasions on my van. The 2nd time I was heading home. En route to the dealer to investigate I was low on fuel, filled up and a few miles later the message cleared. Likely by a regen as my van won’t regen with less than 1/4 tank. The fault was listed on the diagnostics check but the dealer said they couldn’t investigate further as VWs instruction linked to the fault code stated “ Reset - take no further action”.
This suggests to me that the message is not a result of an actual fault with the adblue system. Surely there would be some instruction eg check level sensor a ,connection xy, fuse z etc. More likely a defect inherent in the design and operation of the adblue/emission control system in certain circumstances. It seems likely that VWs fix a software update which increases the adblue consumption/ regen frequency is just an easy fix workaround rather than resolving the actual cause of the problem.
What hacks me off is that all these “no engine start” messages were built in by VW to prevent the wiley motorist trying to cheat the adblue system when in fact it was VW who were doing the cheating on an industrial scale.
I had this . Took to VW dealer. Fox damage to Adblue injector sensor and nox wires . £821 later sorted . Got home looked in road and found the rest . Little shits . I filled with adblue a couple days before and spilled little . Must of attracted em under the van . common problem apparently ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I hope its ok If I steal thread As I got same problem with my t6
Purchase van 2 weeks ago and get error same day. As show on image was 4500ml of adblue
Then 20 miles later was much less
At this moment I'm unable to drive until next month and trying to sort it out and see what its a problem, today scanned it with hexnet
01 engine and 17 I can post full as well any help would be super what errors says etc.
VIN: WV1ZZZ7HZJH1 License Plate: FOXY

Address 01: Engine Labels: 04L-907-309-V2.CLB
Control Module Part Number: 04L 906 056 KG HW: 04L 907 445
Component and/or Version: R4 2.0l TDI H02 3771
Software Coding: 00254014431401090000
Work Shop Code: WSC 10409 003 1048576
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TDI03004L906056KG 004004 (VN75)
ROD: EV_ECM20TDI03004L906056KE_004.rod
VCID: 7CAA87B5A666074A03B-8028
3 Faults Found:

33262 - Reductant System Performance Bank 1
P204F 00 [01100100] - Malfunction
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 2
Mileage: 209883 km
Date: 2072.01.15
Time: 05:45:28

Engine RPM: 2033.00 /min
Normed load value: 52.2 %
Vehicle speed: 112 km/h
Coolant temperature: 90 °C
Intake air temperature: 12 °C
Ambient air pressure: 1000 mbar
Voltage terminal 30: 13.210 V
Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
Simulated particle filter surface temperature: 329.0 °C
Reducing agent fill level sensor: act. value: 92 mm
Sensor for reducing agent tank temperature: temperature: 14.7 °C
Calculated NOx concentration behind turbocharger: 0 ppm
NOx sens.dwnstrm.SCR cat conv: NOx conc.: 190 ppm
Reducing agent quality sensor: urea concentration: 0.00 %

31103 - SCR NOx Catalyst Bank 1
P20EE 00 [01100100] - Efficiency too Low
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 4
Mileage: 209616 km
Date: 2070.01.07
Time: 18:09:49

Engine RPM: 1612.00 /min
Normed load value: 56.1 %
Vehicle speed: 89 km/h
Coolant temperature: 90 °C
Intake air temperature: 23 °C
Ambient air pressure: 1000 mbar
Voltage terminal 30: 13.171 V
Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
Air mass at air mass meter 1: 122.4 kg/h
Outside temperature sensor 1: B1: raw value: 20.0 °C
Mass airflow sensor 1 bank 1 airflow: raw value: 644.6 mg/stroke
Throttl.valve adapt. 1 bank 1: posit feedback - Actual value: 5.19 %
NOx sensor before SCR cat conv: offset correction factor: 0 ppm
NOx sensor after SCR cat conv: offset correction factor: 152 ppm
Reducing agent quality sensor: urea concentration: 0.00 %
Reducing agent quality sensor: raw temperature value: 0.0 °C

30540 - Throttle Position Sensor (G69)
P0121 00 [00100000] - Implausible Signal
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear

Readiness: N/A
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 11 x64
VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-NET2 CB: 0.4643.5
Data version: 20240715 DS356.3

VIN: WV1ZZZ7HZJH1 License Plate: FOXY

Address 17: Instruments Labels: 5K0-920-xxx-17.clb-SRI1
Control Module Part Number: 7E0 920 970 S HW: 7E0 920 970 S
Component and/or Version: KOMBI H03 1107
Software Coding: 440B010300
Work Shop Code: WSC 02762 790 50316
ASAM Dataset: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09 A05733 (VN75)
ROD: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09_005_VW25.rod
VCID: 3A2641ADECD2F97A517-806E
2 Faults Found:

13654544 - Databus
U1121 00 [00001000] - Missing Message
[Steuergerät für Telefon keine Kommunikation]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 156
Mileage: 209831 km
Date: 2024.08.29.
Time: 17:49:02

15360512 - Component Protection
U1101 00 [00001000] - Active
[ECU component protection active]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 156
Mileage: 209831 km
Date: 2024.08.29.
Time: 17:53:32
today scanned it with hexnet
01 engine and 17

Please post

Engine not running - ignition on​

(1) - blockmap data from 01-Engine
(2) - blockmap data from 17-Instruments

Hot engine ticking over - after a 20 minute drive - Stop/Start disabled througout the journey​

(3) - blockmap data from 01-Engine
(4) - blockmap data from 17-Instruments
(5) - VCDS Auto-Scan


VCDS > Applications > Controller Channel Map >

For "Single controller address" - 01 and 17​


Tick/fill boxes as above and click Go.
VCDS flashes screens for a moment (when finished hit "Done, Go Back") and there should be files blockmap-01-... and blockmap-17-... in folder C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs\....
Thank you 1st one will do asap next will need to wait til i can drive most likely end of month or can I start engine for some time and do it?
Thank you 1st one will do asap next will need to wait til i can drive most likely end of month or can I start engine for some time and do it?
Thanks - yes please - so from the above
(1) and (2) - ignition on, engine not running
and the same set also with cold engine ticking over.
They will be a good starting point and reference.

Anyways, when you have got the time - the hot case will be needed as many of the AdbLue related functions activate when the engine has reached it's normal operating temperature.

Below graphs to demonstrate how some of functionalities actually activate quite late.


Hi please see attached from both of 01 and 17 on cold engine
rest will be done when I can drive


  • blockmap-01-04L-906-056-KG_WV1ZZZ7HZJH164911-20240916-1303.CSV
    126.3 KB · Views: 9
  • blockmap-17-7E0-920-970-S_WV1ZZZ7HZJH164911-20240916-1306.CSV
    33 KB · Views: 5
rest of them 3 , 4 and 5
was driving more then 30min but error did not reset ffs


  • blockmap-01-04L-906-056-KG_WV1ZZZ7HZJH164911-20240928-1151.CSV
    126.5 KB · Views: 2
  • blockmap-17-7E0-920-970-S_WV1ZZZ7HZJH164911-20240928-1153.CSV
    33 KB · Views: 1
  • Log-WV1ZZZ7HZJH164911-210180km-130599mi.txt
    15.5 KB · Views: 3
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was driving more then 30min
Hmm... ECU tells the engine has been running only 5 minutes?
IDE00078Time since engine start305s
The reason to disable the stop/start is because ECU seems to clear some status counters/bits when ignition is cycled.

Anyways, the ECU is seeing AdBlue level correctly and also counting remaining range accordingly. However, the Instruments has another opinion. But that was already known.


IDE03142Remaining vehicle distance until reducing agent deficiency10031.98km
IDE10249Reducing agent fill level sensor: act. value127mm


IDE00778Urea operating range600km

The captured fault
33262 - Reductant System Performance Bank 1 - P204F 00 [01100100] - Malfunction
is most likely related to the discrepancy between AdBlue range in ECU and dash display.

The first time the fault happened was 297 km ago, and has been captured once more since.


The engine has the original software - there is an update available - which at the time was stated to resolve among other things false P204F faults.
Address 01: Engine (2D2D2-CXHA)
Part No SW: 04L 906 056 KG version 3771 - the latest is version 6168

However, of course the update doesn't resolve if there is a real failure in the system.

The ECU has registered long lasting elevated NOx levels in the following
IDE09648EGR travel diagnosis: slightly increased NOx emission


IDE09649EGR travel diagnosis: strongly increased NOx emission0kg/h
IDE09650AGR travel diag.: increased NOx emission effect. throttle valve


IDE09651EGR travel diagnosis: marginally increased NOx emission0.4kg/h
Normally only "marginally increased" has active readings, the others should remain at zero.

Fairly high NOx levels were captured in the blockmap (but it's just a sample - longer logging would be needed to verify)
IDE09017NOx sens.dwnstrm.SCR cat conv: NOx conc.36ppm
IDE11219Reducing agent inj. quantity: spec. value2mg/s
Would have expected to see NOx less than 5 ppm on idle. Also would have expected see higher value for AdBlue injection quantity (at similar conditions mine logged 3 ppm and 19 mg/s).

Though the AdBlue pressure in the data was as expected
IDE10241Reducing agent pump module relative press.: calculated6632mbar

Has the DPF been cleaned recently - as the NOx catalyst (whereinto is the AdBlue is injected through the DPF) is at the end section of the DPF?

The bottom line - the NOx reduction process doesn't work - either not enough AdBlue is injected, or the AdBlue doesn't have the effect in the NOx catalyst.

Hi thank you for massive explanations
ECU tells the engine has been running only 5 minutes?
This 5min might be because when I come back I forgot and switch off engine before I connect hex…..and switch back my bad on this one.
Stop start was switched off as it’s annoying as well.
Anyways, the ECU is seeing AdBlue level correctly and also counting remaining range accordingly. However, the Instruments has another opinion. But that was already known.
Does reset tank sensor would do anything? As its showing different then ECU?
The first time the fault happened was 297 km ago, and has been captured once more since.
Ye I notice that fault was pop up second time when I checked it happen before van was delivered I just assume trader just deleted error of it does dissapered When van was drove to me (3h drive)
The engine has the original software - there is an update available
Was looking at this update and need read thru what you posted to see if that would help.

Fairly high NOx levels were captured in the blockmap (but it's just a sample - longer logging would be needed to verify)
Let me know what need to be done for bigger sample.
Has the DPF been cleaned recently -
Whit last one I assume DPF wanted clear when I received van I drove a bit same day and when I stoped engine was still kind of working and was wondering what it’s happening I assume now was trying to Clear DPF and dint happen and error show up….

I will add as well that anyclictalisation to adblue just in case if was too long siting.

Dint drive much and so much problems already what I get myself in :slow rofl:

Thank you for all that
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Does reset tank sensor would do anything? As its showing different then ECU?
The AdBlue level sensor is a subsystem of the engine. The dash gets remaining range information over CANbus but now it's making calculations of its own - possibly because of the above mentioned NOx counters.

As the engine sees correct level and remaining range accordingly I'm not sure if a reset would make any difference.

Anyways, the ECU has a couple of AdBlue related reset functions under

VCDS > Select > Engine > Basic Settings​

IDE10239-Resetting teach-in values of reduction agent sys.:comp.change
IDE10240-Resetting reduction agent fill level detection to sensor value
However, I haven't tried them so can't guarantee anything.

Ye I notice that fault was pop up second time when I checked it happen before van was delivered I just assume trader just deleted error of it does dissapered When van was drove to me (3h drive)
Well, perhaps not. The data shows that last time when the faults were cleared/deleted in the ECU was obviously quite some time ago - over 16000 miles ago.
IDE00584Distance driven since erasing DTC memory25983km

Has the DPF been cleaned recently
I meant that if the DPF had been (recently) removed and cleaned/backflushed e.g. using chemicals etc. The data (ash mass) suggests it's still the original DPF.
IDE06059Particulate filter: oil ash mass84.65g

when I received van I drove a bit same day and when I stoped engine was still kind of working and was wondering what it’s happening I assume now was trying to Clear DPF and dint happen
It did finish DPF regeneration (self cleaning) successfully almost 4 hours ago so no issues there
IDE00432Particle filter: time since last regeneration235min
IDE00436Particle filter: kilometers since last regeneration56.7
IDE01407Particle filter: fuel consumption since last regeneration5.47l

Let me know what need to be done for bigger sample.

IGNition ON

VCDS > Select > Engine > Advanced Measuring Values​

Tick the following

IDE00021 Engine RPM​
IDE00075 Vehicle speed​
IDE00347 Air mass: actual value:​
IDE04090 Exhaust temperature bank 1​
IDE07744 Particle filter: air pressure sensor 1 bank 1: raw value​
IDE07757 Exhaust recirc.valve 1 bank 1: - Actual value​
IDE09017 NOx sens.dwnstrm.SCR cat conv: NOx conc.​
IDE09648 EGR travel diagnosis: slightly increased NOx emission​
IDE09649 EGR travel diagnosis: strongly increased NOx emission​
IDE09650 AGR travel diag.: increased NOx emission effect. throttle valve​
IDE09651 EGR travel diagnosis: marginally increased NOx emission​
IDE11219 Reducing agent inj. quantity: spec. value​

Tick Group UDS requests - by 7 (IMPORTANT!!!)

Log - Start

Start the engine - disable Stop/Start - let the engine idle for 30 seconds.

Take the van for a 30 minute drive (it takes about 15 minutes for NOx sensor to activate)

Let the engine idle for 30 seconds.

Stop logging.

Make blockmap files - engine still idling
VCDS > Applications > Controller Channel Map > For "Single controller address" - 01 and 17

The log files will be stored in folder C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs
Thank you will defo try bigger sample to see if we can pinpoint what happening. Will need now investigate that leak what you mentioned to see if that not reason.

Been busy this week as my dog get his disk pop up and looks like will be surgery and -£6k on the way…..

Yesterday after driving from vet to vet and for scan etc I notice at some point my gear dint switch to higher (automatic) and for moment stalk on lower with higher revs and when I reach home and switch off engine I could hear was still working and I assume DPF regen was on its way l assume that will show on next scan and again its happen when I actually stoped driving and adblue are added after regain its finished if Im correctly understand with older software? This happened last time as well and I assume that when error pop up (i might be wrong here)

The first time the fault happened was 297 km ago, and has been captured once more since.
I assume it happened when van was drive to me but clear itself then as you say memory was cleared a long time ago
When I try next sample I will try to ensure revs are high to try force DPF regan and hopelfully this will sort it out…….