I'd still invest in a tracker as well.will be getting a bearlock as part of my conversion...can only find dutch and german links, sorry.. Bearlock versnellingsbakslot - Home or Bear-Lock | Das Original. (mechanische Wegfahrsperren)
Found an English version of the site:-will be getting a bearlock as part of my conversion...can only find dutch and german links, sorry.. Bearlock versnellingsbakslot - Home or Bear-Lock | Das Original. (mechanische Wegfahrsperren)
I'd still invest in a tracker as well.
Cantrack Assetwhich tracker did you go for?
I emailed Bear Lock but no response?
Is there a UK fitter?
Cantrack Asset
still wont help if they have your keys and clifford fob...That is too easy to get round for the pro's you need something good don't Know any stolen with Cliffords Alarm installed ?
The back2you tracker has a built-in immobiliser you can text it the stop commands
I agree, but I am more likely to lose or separate the fob more than anything else, whilst walking camping etc.. and end up just immobilising myself.Yes but if they plug a tracker jammer it’s useless
Portable Car GPS Signal Blocker Isolator Anti Tracking Device with Antenna Fuse | eBay
I just don’t want to loose my van
I’ve Already got tracker with remote cut off but. Keetec seems the best option for me