Alarm Movement Sensor - disabling for sleeping / leaving dogs / windows ajar [thread merge]

Yeah the first time I did it last night it didn't work. But the second time it did. So still managed to wake everyone up
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Yeah the first time I did it last night it didn't work. But the second time it did. So still managed to wake everyone up
I did have some issues initially, but I think it was linked to the rear barn door lock sticking sometimes. The problem went away when the rear lock was cleaned and adjusted under warranty.
I just lock the doors from the inside when I think it’s worthwhile. A lot of the time I don’t bother though. I never bother locking the tailgate, but I’d wake up soon enough if someone opened it given it’s inches from my head!
I disabled the internal alarm with the switch on the B-pillar. Now it will not switch back on. Any help appreciated.
I disabled the internal alarm with the switch on the B-pillar. Now it will not switch back on. Any help appreciated.
I could be wrong but it is also 'one shot' I think - i.e. it only disables the internal movement sensors for the next time the vehicle is locked. You can't use the button to turn it back on. If you want to turn it back on, unlock it then lock it again (without pressing the button). EDIT Can't be bothered to go and get the manual, but on reflection the internal sensors might stay disabled until the next time the ignition is cycled - can't remember which it is.
As Loz suggests, I think it only works if you have the drivers door open when you press it - I think it’s primarily designed for when you want to leave a pet or feral child in the locked car without triggering the motion sensors. You really need to use the switch on door when asleep. That turns off the alarm system and locks the doors without deadlocks so they can be opened easily from the inside.
I could be wrong but it is also 'one shot' I think - i.e. it only disables the internal movement sensors for the next time the vehicle is locked. You can't use the button to turn it back on. If you want to turn it back on, unlock it then lock it again (without pressing the button). EDIT Can't be bothered to go and get the manual, but on reflection the internal sensors might stay disabled until the next time the ignition is cycled - can't remember which it is.
Thank you, I'll try it now. I assume that when the switch is lit the internal movement sensors are on?
Thank you, I'll try it now. I assume that when the switch is lit the internal movement sensors are on?
No, when it is lit it is telling you that next time the doors are locked the internal movement sensor will be disabled.
As Loz suggests, I think it only works if you have the drivers door open when you press it - I think it’s primarily designed for when you want to leave a pet or feral child in the locked car without triggering the motion sensors. You really need to use the switch on door when asleep. That turns off the alarm system and locks the doors without deadlocks so they can be opened easily from the inside.

As Loz suggests, I think it only works if you have the drivers door open when you press it - I think it’s primarily designed for when you want to leave a pet or feral child in the locked car without triggering the motion sensors. You really need to use the switch on door when asleep. That turns off the alarm system and locks the doors without deadlocks so they can be opened easily from the inside.

Thanks Ayjay, I'll try it now. The switch is 'lit' now, I asuume this means that the internal sensor alarm is on?
I'll defer to those with greater knowledge than me on that one (but if it wasn't peeing down quite so much here I would have gone out and tried it or even, your god forbid, read the owners manual).
I turned the switch off (i.e. it is not lit) and the internal alarm should be on. I even switched on the ignition. My wife, after it was locked, pranced around inside. No sound. Not sure, sounds like a visit to the dealer. Thanks for your help, at lease I can change the switch!
I turned the switch off (i.e. it is not lit) and the internal alarm should be on. I even switched on the ignition. My wife, after it was locked, pranced around inside. No sound. Not sure, sounds like a visit to the dealer. Thanks for your help, at lease I can change the switch!
I think it takes several minutes for the internal movement sensors to arm to ensure the air is still and nothing is still flapping around after all of the doors are shut.
Upload a photo of the button -
It shows a different colour when active.
I've learnt the hard way and this is how I lock my van hopefully this will cover all aspects
Lock whole van with button by the window controls NOT fob MOTION SENORS DISABLED you can move about no problem
Get up middle of night to go outside for whatever reason 2 PULLS ON SIDE DOOR HANDLE 1st to unlock it 2nd to open it
To re-lock side door PUSH DOWN BUTTON ON SIDE DOOR all van still locked to open the rest of the van in the morning use the key fob as normal
Shut all the doors on the van
OPEN DRIVERS DOOR push the switch on the B Pillar it will turn from RED TO YELLOW motion sensors disabled lock van on fob 1 push VAN LOCKED if you have forgotten something and unlock van you WILL have to go through the above procedure again as it reverts back to full alarm
same procedure as GOING OUT WITH POP TOP UP
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Dear Bargy, Tsixty, Ajay and others.
Thanks to all of you for your help. Yes, we use the rocker switch on the top of the drivers door when 'free' camping as you can unlock the sliding door and leave the rest locked. Also, with your help. fgured out the internal alarm disable/ enable. It does take a few minutes for the internal sensors to work, as one of you said.
After switching off the internal alarm (by pressing the button when the drivers door is open) it is re-set by unlocking the van with the remote (assuming it was locked this way).

That was easy!