A interesting point about the codes applied to batteries. I changed out the original on my T6 some years ago and found that the setting that existed on the module was not correct for the factory installed battery! So even VW don't always get it right.
I'm a VCDS user so have easy access to all the module coding.
Are you still within your free trial period? The free trial that you have to give them your credit card details for?! And remember to cancel the membership if you don't want to continue! For £40 something a year I find it a really useful tool, and naturally being involved in retail I'm completely minted!
I won't be renewing the subscription for now while it's all under warranty, but in a years time when I rake a more hands on approach I probably will pays the subs.
I've had VCDS for best part of twenty years and had a few new motors that have obviously been under warranty. The dealers have had fault printouts placed on the desk occasionally to convince them of problems. It's been a worthwhile purchase and upgrade for sorting things on my motor and those of friends over the years. I never charge for the odd fault print or minor code change but I do accept bottles of red wine!
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