Beefing Up Your Vans Security - How I Done It -

I've got Philips motion sensors in the house connected up to a hue bridge acting as a makeshift burglar alarm and if they're triggered during set times then every light inside and outside the house comes on along with a plug in the bedroom that switches on a beeping electrical tester to wake me up. This also helps the cameras record better footage of what's going on.

So I figured another one in the van might be a good idea and it's worked a treat so far. Open either cab door and it triggers immediately.
I've still got a bulkhead in my van so another one will go in the back then I'll be fully covered. Should help me sleep easier at night until a false alarm has me panicking at 4am sometime in the future, but hopefully not.

As a final trick I use the bloom light in the bedroom to indicate what's been triggered by colour so a house sensor has the light coming on red and a van sensor green.

Just another layer on top of the steering wheel lock and GPS tracker I already have. It all helps and is a pretty cheap and effective solution.