Bonnet Bra/Bonnet wrap question


New Member
I have just attempted a DIY wrap job to my T6.1. It didn't go too well, managed two goes at it and somehow it was worse on the second attempt. The wrap has lots of crease marks and bubbles. It took so long that by the end of it the wrap wasn't workable anymore. There are a couple of small tears on it. All in all it isn't great.

I originally wanted a bonnet bra but read the advice on here about how it can scratch the bonnet.

Now looking for advice and opinions. Unsure If I should have the wrap removed and professionally done or just stick a bonnet bra over the top. I'm not 100% sure where the bra usually causes damage, if it is just on the centre of the bonnet or on the corners and the panels either side.

Any help and advice would be gratefully received.
Anyone at all got any idea where the bonnet bras tend to cause damage?
The paint shop I use also mentioned to me the potential for a bonnet bra to hold water and rust the bottom of the bonnet also.
Anyone at all got any idea where the bonnet bras tend to cause damage?
The paint shop I use also mentioned to me the potential for a bonnet bra to hold water and rust the bottom of the bonnet also.
I've used a bonnet bra for a few years without a problem. Prior to fitting it I made sure that the inside of the bra was super clean. I cleaned the bonnet and gave it several layers of polish. If the van isn't being used for a few weeks I take the bra off and let the air get to the bonnet, then clean and polish and refit. Sometimes the fabric strip at the front edge of the bra will hold some moisture but this hasn't been a problem.
I've used a bonnet bra for a few years without a problem. Prior to fitting it I made sure that the inside of the bra was super clean. I cleaned the bonnet and gave it several layers of polish. If the van isn't being used for a few weeks I take the bra off and let the air get to the bonnet, then clean and polish and refit. Sometimes the fabric strip at the front edge of the bra will hold some moisture but this hasn't been a problem.
Thanks Dave. I think the edge of the bra or the soft underside is what I was being warned about. He wasn’t speaking from experience. It’s not something that will happen overnight either so it’s difficult to tell I guess.

My wrap does look truly awful. I’ve been in touch with a local wrap company. I’m on the fence about both options. I do worry that my wrap job is so bad it’s likely to only last a couple of months anyway.