Brake costs


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T6 Legend
So after 5 years and around 45,000 miles my T32 4Motion brakes need replacing. This has been hastened as I have just noticed a chunk out of the rear drivers side disc.

Phoned VW van centre today and was quoted for parts - Discs, Pads, and bolts. £850 PLUS Labour. Seems extortionate. Thoughts?
Check out autodoc.
Genuine is normally ATE or TRW.
Buy the parts and get your local garage to fit. Should be a bit more cheaper for you
Way too much! An independent garage will be at least 50% less. I recently changed all the discs and pads myself using Brembo parts for £390 ish + vat - Euro car parts. A garage will do the job in a couple of hours.
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Provided everything comes apart cleanly and there are no problems it's a 1.5 hour job at a properly equipped garage.

So, the cost is...

Parts prices + 1.5hrs labour + VAT.

It's fairly straightforward to establish parts prices for yourself and determine whether that's good value or not.

I didn't drop £50k on a van and then expect to then penny pinch on the maintenance, spend my time shopping about with aftermarket suppliers or even get my hands dirty. Thst makes no sense. If money was that tight I was buying the wrong vehicle to begin with.

On the other hand, the price you were quoted is hilarious. I can only conclude that it's their way of saying they don't want the job. I'd try a few other dealers and even reputable independents.
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294mm rear disk £60.79ea - £121.58
340mm front disc £109.49ea - £218.98

294mm rear pads £56.59
340mm front pads £99.99

consumables, grease, brake clean etc £20

total in parts, £517.14

then plus couple hours labour at the garage. £200-300 (hope for £50 a corner)

Garage labour prices are subjective to the area/location - in your london location they will be higher that outof town garages.



try calling VW MAD UK,

that where i plan to take my vans when the ALL-IN runs out.


they do tons of T6 stuff . . .

Just checked the @Nutexa Frictions website and its over £100 cheaper BEFORE you add the FORUM DISCOUNT !!!!

code = T6FORUM
for an extra 5% off list prices, that brings the total to under £400 with free next day delivery

but the plain rear discs are showing out of stock at the moment :(
That's about what I paid for Nutexa recently, great quality and service

local garage wanted £250 for cash job but ended up doing them me sen on the drive

slight delay as missed the memo about the 9mm Allen key .... doh