New Discs or Skim T32

I'm skeptical about it too.

That's not to say the phenomenon described doesn't happen, but a dial gauge doesn't lie - a 'warped' disc has in my experience (on used cars, never managed to warp discs myself) always been a measurably warped disc.

Skimming doesn't cure it for long. Since the uneven contraction/expansion has alteady set in it will continue after the disc has been warped and the judder will return.

New discs, check and clean, bed them in, and make a habit of using the handbrake when stationary instead of holding the vehicle on the footbrake, and you won't suffer.
make a habit of using the handbrake when stationary instead of holding the vehicle on the footbrake

One of my pet hates, especially in the dark, having your retinas lasered by the car in front of you, but nearly everyone seems to do it these days. I've even seen learners in driving school cars doing it so not sure if they're even being taught properly now.
It doesn't help that as we age our sensitivity shifts to the red end of the spectrum so it becomes more uncomfortable for us.

It is an offence to use a vehicle lights in a manner that can dazzle another road user, and while I've never done it myself you can be ticketed for it. The problem is, as you say, the laziness is spreading and, like parking on the footway, it's become so common any copper wanting to do something about it would be shovelling sheet against the tide.
Coz more and more are driving automatics. Not a hope in hell of getting auto drivers to engage neutral and pull on the handbrake (myself included!) at a traffic light or roundabout or junction....
Those drivers, for the most part, wouldn't have bothered doing so in a manual either.

Edit. Apologies for going off topic to a degree, the point I was making is holding the vehicle stationary on hot brakes using the pedal is one of the mechanisms by which discs can warp.

A friend of mine was a service manager for a large Honda dealership in MK, land of rhe roundabouts. He had a visit from the technical boys from the importer who were wanting to know why there were so many warranty claims for warped discs.

He took them out and gave the car a good caning to get the brakes hot - he was was an amateur rally driver so had no problems warming things up - then drove back across town briskly while being sure to hold the car stationary with the pedal at every roundabout. Sure enough, a good judder had set in before they were back home.

Holding hot pads, which are being kept hot by the relatively dense mass of metal in the caliper, against the disc prevents the disc from cooling as quickly as it otherwise might. That fraction of a mm gap when the pedal is released is sufficient to prevent conductive heat transfer and holding the pedal down closes it tight. The rest of the disc is exposed to the air and cools, and thus contracts, more rapidly. Obviously, if one part of a surface contracts more quickly than another then the material is liable to derform, and once the warping has begun the effect becomes cumumlative.

I don't think it's liable to be an issue for the typical fairly average driver, but those who drive hard and habitually ignore the handbrake or do a lot or urban work getting up to speed and then braking again (cabbies) tend to be the ones that suffer.

When I learned to drive in the early 80's my instructor would smack me across the back of the Knuckles with a steel rule if I held the foot brake for more than a count of three, and you soon bloody well learned not to do it. These days the typical driving instructor is no better a driver than the average driver, and just so happens to be someone with a driving teaching qualification, nothing more. Anticipate if you're "slowing to go" or "slowing to stop" and use the handbrake accordingly.

A secondary issue is one of not being in full control (in the physical sense, not the roat traffic act sense.) The vehicle has no forward motion and as you lift your foot of the brake for that moment you have no motion and no control of the brake or accelerator, which is never a desirable state of affairs. A driver should have positive control over the vehicles state at all times, and that's why you'd fail your driving test for doing it.
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Not a hope in hell of getting auto drivers to engage neutral and pull on the handbrake (myself included!) at a traffic light or roundabout or junction....

Must just be me then in my DSG T6 and my DSG Golf, perhaps I'm just too considerate to the vehicle behind me because he/she is probably sat there with his/her foot on the brake pedal. :)

Edit to add, there's no excuses really if your vehicle has an electronic parking brake.
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Does the handbrake not use the disc brakes anyway? I know it’s only the rear’s but if wear rates are anything to go by they work quite hard on a T6.
Does the handbrake not use the disc brakes anyway? I know it’s only the rear’s but if wear rates are anything to go by they work quite hard on a T6.
Usually the rears, which run 150°C cooler, so its less of an issue. Added to that in most cases, but not all, the handbrake operates on a drum within the bell of the rear disc and not on the actual rotor.

Some French cars of yore used to operate the handbrake on the front disc, I think Citroën may have been doing it as late as the Xantia(?), and as cars got heavier and more powerful they had to move them to the rear.
Ok. That makes sense. Do you know if T6’s have a separate drum for the handbrake or uses the discs?? (It’s been a while since I’ve done my own servicing!)
Sadly I don't know, and I can't even have a look-see because I don't collect mine until Friday morning!
Coz more and more are driving automatics. Not a hope in hell of getting auto drivers to engage neutral and pull on the handbrake (myself included!) at a traffic light or roundabout or junction....
And manual vehicles have hill hold assist, T6 included, so you can sit on a hill with foot on the brake and it's easy to set off without rolling back . no handbrake needed.
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Also if you want to use the stop/start (I dont) when you put the handbrake on and take your foot off the brake it will quite often restart
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Must just be me then in my DSG T6 and my DSG Golf, perhaps I'm just too considerate to the vehicle behind me because he/she is probably sat there with his/her foot on the brake pedal. :)

Edit to add, there's no excuses really if your vehicle has an electronic parking brake.
Both my Tiguan and 5 series have electronic parking brakes. Both of them leave the brake lights on, even with my foot off the brake pedal. The only way to turn the brake lights off is to select neutral or park. If I'm going to be stationary for a while, I'll do that, but it's an arse in stop go traffic.
Both my Tiguan and 5 series have electronic parking brakes. Both of them leave the brake lights on, even with my foot off the brake pedal. The only way to turn the brake lights off is to select neutral or park. If I'm going to be stationary for a while, I'll do that, but it's an arse in stop go traffic.

When I had my Tiguan (2018) the brake lights only stayed on in "Auto-Hold" but not if you physically apply the handbrake, I use Auto-Hold but as soon as someone pulls up behind me I'll just flick the switch which turns the brake lights off, no need to touch the gear shift, same in my 18 Golf. :thumbsup:
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Hi everyone! We’re currently boiling to death down in the French alps on holiday, my signal is very poor and 3 mobile has rubbish data ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you put in the T6FORUM discount code on our website at checkout it’ll give all the prices.

More are in production at the moment so website will be updated soon

@Nutexa Frictions Hi Russ, happy holidays!!Hope you’re not still melting!! I put in an order on Friday, are you still dispatching or is it when you get back? I made the mistake of ordering a cheap front set from fleabay, turned up but didn’t like the look of them at all so I ordered a full set of dimpled from you. Looking forward to getting them on :thumbsup:
Many thanks mate
@Nutexa Frictions Hi Russ, happy holidays!!Hope you’re not still melting!! I put in an order on Friday, are you still dispatching or is it when you get back? I made the mistake of ordering a cheap front set from fleabay, turned up but didn’t like the look of them at all so I ordered a full set of dimpled from you. Looking forward to getting them on :thumbsup:
Many thanks mate

I’ll get them sent out Tuesday for you on a next day

It’s cooler in Switzerland thank god
Wow Russ this is great news thank you :thumbsup:
Glad to hear you’re a bit cooler mate, have great trip and I’ll give you guys a shout out soon as I got them on:D