Bagsy the south facing plotI'm intending to have bought a solar panel by then.
Bit like camping always used to be - we never started using hook-up until a few years ago - now we've gone soft it's usually the first thing we look for in a site lolWe don't have a leisure battery so going to be a challenge for us. Pot noodles and candles springs to mind.
The candle flame will melt the plastic carton of the pot noodle! Boiling a kettle over a candle may take a year. So it's probably going to munching on uncooked noodles for you. But let's be honest, that's pot noodle even when you do stick boiling hot water in it.We don't have a leisure battery so going to be a challenge for us. Pot noodles and candles springs to mind.
This is the panel I've got - went for it because I wanted something flat to the roof - I had some teething problems with a faulty charge controller in the van but once replaced it now works a treat:- 100 Watt Panel Kit - BlackSuperb. Sounds like the plan is to use the battery till it runs out then nick one of your solar panels. That's sorted then.... what solar panels have you got. Might be worth an investment to keep the beer cold.
So what happens at one of these fests. What does everyone get up to?
Superb. I'm really looking forward to it. Mostly I'm looking forward to seeing all your vans. I'm going to become jealous of all the shiny bits, make a list of what I want then come home and spend the holiday money on an Liberace themed interior.