The good thing about the Cali’ bed when compared to others is the seat is the correct height so your feet are not off the floor and as a result when in bed mode there is plenty of headroom. Some other bed systems seem to biased towards under seat storage instead of human comfort.
Except the 3 seater Beach one
Except the 3 seater Beach one
Yep, I was thinking 2 seater, the three seater that I’ve seen IMO fails on the term ‘seat bed’. I’ve never seen so many bumps and gaps, looks useless as a bed without some kind of mouldable mattress.
This arrived today, managed to pick it up from a German eBay shop. Looks like with a bit of cheeky modding I can get it to fit. Will report back.

This arrived today, managed to pick it up from a German eBay shop. Looks like with a bit of cheeky modding I can get it to fit. Will report back.

View attachment 109649
Looks great mate - did it come with the fixing/quick release bolts? Also if you do mind could you send me a link to where you purchased it from - I so need one of these also I presume if you flip the top over you can mount it either on the left or right hand side of the van.
Here’s the seller, it was a used part so not a stock item.

Didn’t come with the fixings, I still need to source those. 5 bolts and 2 plastic brackets.

Part numbers here:

It looks like the board can be flipped, but as the pull cord isn’t centred the indentation for it will be out. Also worth noting that the cut-out on the right is deeper as the Cali has trim it needs to clear. So a custom piece of wood designed to fit the shape of a T6 would be better.
Well I managed to flip the 6.1 bed extension.

Managed to keep everything. Thought I’d need to replace the bed board because of the off-centre pull cord. Turns out they could be flipped as well. It’s a piece of strong webbing the filters off into a T or Y split to 2 thinner pieces.

So basically everything is held in with wood insert nuts then the M5 bolts screw into those.

So I whipped them all out, drilled through the holes to the other side. Then placed the insert nuts back in and bolted everything back again.

The down sides are the holes on top and one side need sanding down so the handle has a bit of breathing room.




Well I managed to flip the 6.1 bed extension.

Managed to keep everything. Thought I’d need to replace the bed board because of the off-centre pull cord. Turns out they could be flipped as well. It’s a piece of strong webbing the filters off into a T or Y split to 2 thinner pieces.

So basically everything is held in with wood insert nuts then the M5 bolts screw into those.

So I whipped them all out, drilled through the holes to the other side. Then placed the insert nuts back in and bolted everything back again.

The down sides are the holes on top and one side need sanding down so the handle has a bit of breathing room.

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Great work I just need to source one now! I messaged the company you got yours from but they said they don’t have any and will not ship to the UK - you did a great job getting yours. If you/or anyone have any ideas where to get one please let me know
Here’s the seller, it was a used part so not a stock item.

Didn’t come with the fixings, I still need to source those. 5 bolts and 2 plastic brackets.

Part numbers here:

It looks like the board can be flipped, but as the pull cord isn’t centred the indentation for it will be out. Also worth noting that the cut-out on the right is deeper as the Cali has trim it needs to clear. So a custom piece of wood designed to fit the shape of a T6 would be better.
Has anyone on the forum priced up the parts list and are able to order/supply?
Cali bed gang - When I was looking at options for the bed extension I found this:

The smart thing is that it fits in the rails so easy fitting.

I enquired after a RHD version which they said they also made. I asked for some pics and further info on this but they weren’t able to provide any.

It’s expensive and shipping to UK would be 250-300 euros apparently.
Thanks - Looks good - some great ideas in the pictures I will have to get my sketch book out and start designing - if only I could weld - might have to learn
Cali bed gang - When I was looking at options for the bed extension I found this:

The smart thing is that it fits in the rails so easy fitting.

I enquired after a RHD version which they said they also made. I asked for some pics and further info on this but they weren’t able to provide any.

It’s expensive and shipping to UK would be 250-300 euros apparently.
They make a RHD version!? That's news worth celebrating
Has anyone on the forum priced up the parts list and are able to order/supply?

I’ve priced up the fixings and bolts and they’re under £75. And I saw someone on the California board said the bed extension itself was around £600 from VW.

They make a RHD version!? That's news worth celebrating

Yep. Get in touch. I couldn't get much info out of them when I tried. I'd want drawings and measurements before dropping 900 euros plus shipping. Looks sweet though, probably much lighter that the 6.1 extension.
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I’ve priced up the fixings and bolts and they’re under £

Yep. Get in touch. I couldn't get much info out of them when I tried. I'd want drawings and measurements before dropping 900 euros plus shipping. Looks sweet though, probably much lighter that the 6.1 extension.
I think you forgot to put the cost on the above? £??
Top tip if you're not doing this already, it's worth poking about on (using Chrome if like me you can't read German). Sign up there to be able to see pics.

Pretty handy when you think you've exhausted that niche campervan topic you've been researching for days on English language Google.

Today I found a useful 'teardown' of a California showing the fixings for the old style bed extension. Useful if you wanted to make a flipped version for the right hand side (like @Wills did).

Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 19.36.41.png
