Can I charge main battery from mobile solar panel?

The reason behind this is, I have to travel for country to visit 11 different sites for my client ranging from Hull to Plymouth. This will be approx 10,000 mile over 10 weeks and I don't want to rack the miles onto my van as its currently on 94K.
I've arranged a suitable loan vehicle so the van will sit on my drive for 10 weeks. I could use it at weekends but this will probably be short trips for shopping etc.
I'm wanting to keep the main battery topped up at the weekends by using my mobile solar panels and the magic box it comes with.

I want to stop the solar from charging the leisure battery. I've read the above replies (thank you all for helping me) and the easiest way seems to be to pull the fuse on the leisure battery charger thing. It is the same one the Lee @Dellmassive mentioned.
This is what's under my bonnet. Theres also an engine but thats irrelevant.

The big fuse is 40amps and the small one next to it is 2amp.
I've just started the van and the LB is charging like normal. I switched off the van and pulled the 2amp fuse (the smaller one). re started the van and the LB is not charging. So this little fuse I'm assuming, send a signal to the solar charger to start working. And the big fuse (40amp) carries the current.

Am I risking any damage to stuff if I just pull the small fuse or should I pull both? Or is all the above wrong?

Thank you all for your help and advice, it's very much appreciated.:thumbsup: