My caravan is set in rural wales and i can go five or six days at a time and not see another soul on site. Its the perfect place for us to be in self isolation with my daughters condition. We go there with all the food and supplies we need depending on how long we intend to stay. Fresh air and long walks with social distancing in the lovely welsh countryside is the perfect tonic and if for one minute we started to feel unwell we would be in the car and home.
I don't actually think they have posted a full list yet but if it's for child care you are thinking about then for example one of my friends other half works as a rep for a food company and her boss told her she was in the catagory but because my friend isn't in the catagory then he has to watch the kids from home as his work is closed , if both of them were under the catagory then they would send the kids to school and let the school know before had am sure , really you have to contact your boss or HR ,if you are self employed M8 then am not really sure ,if your job helps keep country moving by allowing people to stay at home then you are in the catagory , hopefully I have answered your question in some part buddyI am struggling to understand the keyworker list. Who do I contact to double check if I come under the keyworker list? I beleive I would be included in a small form.
What I'm finding amazing is how different peoples perception of this situation is.
My situation is one of the absolute destruction of my household financial income resulting in a complete spending lockdown on anything other than food and essential bills.
We have cancelled every financial outgoing we have and are in the process of switching all of our utility suppliers to make savings.
We are not using the car unless absolutely necessary to save on diesel and this alone is hard as we live miles from anywhere.
But bizzarely, my sister and her husband are teachers and are doing classes from home and still on full pay.
I drove past a town yesterday, whilst on my way to take supplies to my elderly mum and parents in law, and the car parks of every shop were rammed with cars.
God knows what people were buying, and wether they were worried about the money they were spending and wether it might run out.
At least people will be able to judge for themselves if they are selfish or not based on the amount of food and supplies they have stockpiled aswell as wether they choose to take their moral duty to keep their distance from others seriously.
Took my bike out to 'self isolate' on the public highways. They were empty. Every cloud and all that.![]()
I could've quoted your whole post, but chose what I felt is perhaps the most poignant part. I made light of this situation in the early stages too, but have spent the last few days and weeks realising that it is going to be more serious than I had imagined it might be.
Whatever happens, as a country and perhaps as a species we are heading into a period of real uncertainty. No-one really knows how this is going to play out, or ultimately how dangerous it will be for any of us. Computer simulations/models etc will tell the experts so much, but whether we like it or not we're all in this and just have to hope that it passes relatively quickly and without causing too much damage, by which I mean any type of negative impact.
I work as a self employed contractor in the aerospace industry and if I am not at work I'm not earning. It seems more and more likely that I will be out of work for an extended period and be running through my financial reserves quite quickly.
However, if I end up a little poorer, or even a lot poorer, but still in good health and with those I love around me when this is over then so be it. I've had no money in the past, I'm lucky to be pretty comfortable today, but if it goes back the other way it isn't the end of the world. Let's hope that's as bad as it'll be for any of us. Unfortunately I think it may be worse than that for many.
One thing that is for sure, the time for jokes is over.