Dash / Instrument Lights on T6.1 Startline


VIP Member
T6 Pro
My instrument cluster lights only illuminate when I have my lights on, not in side lights. Is this standard? Can it be coded or changed anywhere? I’d like them to light up when side lights are on too.
looks like it is possible with VCDS - see last post in this thread......

My instrument cluster lights only illuminate when I have my lights on, not in side lights. Is this standard? Can it be coded or changed anywhere? I’d like them to light up when side lights are on too.
My startline is the same. If it's bright outside, then the dash lights are nice and bright. If it's dark/overcast or you go in a tunnel etc. then the dash lights dim to off to remind you to put the headlights on.

There was a thread somewhere on here where it explained you can change the lighting values in vcds to change the settings.
Does OBD11 allow this, anyone know? There are loads of threads on here about OBD11, Carista and VCDS… My brain hurts looking for answers. Can anyone point me to a decent thread that show what upgrades I can make to a T6.1 Startline on these.
My instrument cluster lights only illuminate when I have my lights on, not in side lights. Is this standard? Can it be coded or changed anywhere? I’d like them to light up when side lights are on too.
I believe that is because side lights are not legal on there own for driving in GB so perhaps to encourage or remind divers to turn on there main lights , side lights therefore don’t come with instrument lighting.
I believe that is because side lights are not legal on there own for driving in GB so perhaps to encourage or remind divers to turn on there main lights , side lights therefore don’t come with instrument lighting.
That’s exactly the reason. You will recall older vehicles would seen without headlights on in dusk conditions because the instrument lighting was on with sidelights which made people forget to put the headlights on
That’s exactly the reason. You will recall older vehicles would seen without headlights on in dusk conditions because the instrument lighting was on with sidelights which made people forget to put the headlights on
It is strange how people drive along with inappropriate lighting for the conditions that they find them selves in. I think that overall ill thought out automation has made compliance with regulations regarding safety has sometimes made things worse. At some time a regulation was brought in to require dipped beam headlamps in rain. How many comply %. Fog lights are they really just little more than a fashion accessory today for those who want them on at all times and others who never use them at all no matter how bad the fog might be. One still sees, certainly in country areas, people with no lights showing, older vehicles after lighting up time or never mind how bad the conditions might be. Many years ago at a college with you know supposedly mature students, when I had a conversation with a student about lights. he was one who only put his lights up when he could not see where he was going that included head lamps and fog lamps. most people getting involved in the discussion disagreed with him but he was adamant. Then one day only a few weeks latter he was moaning about needing a lift home. Why was that, well he rove into someone not properly lit early evening poor light. He was most indignant his condition worsened when everyone in the room burst out laughing at his predicament. He was forced to agree with every one present about the necessity of driving with appropriate lighting when it was required. he was very sheepish the rest of the day. It was so funny.

I do think that some automated systems might be a good idea but they make us very lazy and many unable to think for themselves. I do think that the side light one is reasonable. I do recall however that in some cities and towns that headlamps not being allowed and side lamps mandatory. It was before I was driving, too young I think that the Mersey Tunnel used to ban the use of headlamps. No Idea what the rule might be now but so many cars with automated systems may find that sort of thing difficult and what about day Light Running Lights how many I have seen driving along with those. Do I want a self drive car absolutely never. Do I want wide spread use of self drive cars never.
You are correct that we are becoming “de skilled “ in lots of areas. Who these days can actually read a map and navigate their vehicle to a final destination. It’s now all sat nav said so!
As an aside Volvo introduced DRLs in the 1970s along with bumpers that looked liked girders :)
Where is the light sensor? I noticed mine were bright while driving towards the sun yesterday and completely off when driving away yesterday. I’ve had the van over a year but I live in Scotland so this must have been the first sunny day :p
Where is the light sensor? I noticed mine were bright while driving towards the sun yesterday and completely off when driving away yesterday. I’ve had the van over a year but I live in Scotland so this must have been the first sunny day :p
I've searched the van, but can't seem to find it. I think it must be integrated into the dash clocks somewhere.