Dub Dogs, let’s see them :)

Ready to go:

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One item is never enough:

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He's a handsome boy! I adore labs, the best dogs in the world.

Here's my boy Bruce. He's a very sweet natured and obedient dog. His middle names is Danglyplums, so every year when the vet writes to me the envelope is addressed to "The Owner of Bruce Danglyplums Sasquatch." I like to think it gives the lass at the vets something to chuckle about every year.


My two choc labs in their seats, always carry plenty of towels when you got two idiot that think every puddle / stream / beach has to be explored and taken home with them.
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My old lab, Lemmy, loved the water so much he may as well have been amphibious. Despite all my efforts with quality food, weighing portions, exercise, etc, he sadly went to Rainbow Bridge just after his 8th Birthday due to cancer. It broke my heart, and I miss the old rascal terribly.


Bruce, on the other hand, so soft and sensitive the water scares him. He shakes and trembles if he thinks I want him to paddle in the water and I end up having to give him a hug to reassure him.


Bruce is a terrible Daddie's boy, pines terribly if I go out and don't take him with me. The answer to that is to take him with me wherever I go! The camper will help with that.

I also can't sit down for more than 5 seconds without him wanting to get on my lap for a cuddle. It's a hard life!

Thanks @Trouts

It's heartbreaking, but that's the price I pay for 8 years of great times. There's also the consolation for me that I firmly believe ill see him again when I drop off my perch.

In the meantime I get to make some memories with Bruce, and we'll have some great camping adventures together.
Grooming might be a bit of work, still I hear they don't eat much. A faithful pet.