Please postHappy New Year to All!
I managed to sent sensor across channel and unit is replaced. Now, after ECU scan alarm Nox sensor disappear, unfortunately message on the dash board still display 250miles. I try to utilise VDCS version 22.10 to reset , but I can't find this function(there films on you tube, but I can't see long adaptation window). I wonder if you can help me.
Below are some information reordered for future
Chassis Type: 7H-VN75 (7E0)
Part No SW: 04L 906 056 KL HW: 04L 907 445
Component: R4 2.0l TDI H02 6166
01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
IDE03142 Remaining vehicle distance until reducing agent deficiency 6143.140 km
IDE04098 NOx-sensor NOx11:65535 ppm / NOx21:---
IDE10241 Reducing agent pump module relative press.: calculated 6148 mbar
IDE10247 Reducing agent tank volume: act. value calculated 14.169 l
IDE10248 Reducing agent supply pump: offset factor calculated 0.984
IDE10249 Reducing agent fill level sensor: act. value 106 mm
IDE10250 Reducing agent return pump: adapted displacement 0.038 ml
IDE10251 Reducing agent supply pump: measured resistance 4.121 Ohm
IDE10579-MAS01493 Reducing agent system pressurization release conditions-Engine running Condition met
IDE10579-MAS10831 Reducing agent system pressurization release conditions-Heat. strategy: enable Condition met
IDE11220 Reducing agent system: current status COSCR_pressure control
IDE11221 Reducing agent system: last status COSCR_no pressure control
1) blockmap of module 01-Engine
2) blockmap of module 17-Instruments
3) full VCDS Auto-Scan
4) earlier VCDS Auto-Scan where the NOx sensor fault was
How-to (see picture below):
VCDS > Applications > Controller Channel Map >
Single Controller Address 01 > Go
Single Controller Address 17 > Go
Other selections as below:
Tick - Measuring values,
Select - CSV file

The files blockmap-01... and blockmap-17... will be in folder C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs\....