Engine light, Ad Blue Light+Spanner & Ad Blue range..aarrgghh!!

Thank you, information are really helpful specially the dpf regen graph.
Last time I reset alarms before MOT, currently( last two weeks) I don't use the van very often, then I can't say if the alarm come back. I will use my van this weekend ( camping :) )
I will let you know if any alarms appear.

Well, the expected lifespan of the DPF is maximum 300 tkm - so a kind of expected.

Can you please clarify is the was worth to clean the dpf or better to look at for new unit?
Thank you again
If you are carrying out the labour yourself you only have your time to lose, why not try it and feedback the results.
After last data taken( Sunday ) there wasn't any faults. I will drive around 80 miles on Saturday then I will connect again the VCDS.
Now I understand why they marked on the report - cleaning process dpf and cat (I attached the report with my translation to English language).


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I drove van yesterday for short trip 80 miles both ways. I connect laptop and two alarms are active , but no any light on the dashboard. The faults indicated on the engine are attached. I look at the values below each fault and these values are odd:
Particle sensor: exhaust temperature: 23.6 °C
Particulate sensor: status condition automation: 4
Air mass at air mass meter 1: 136.8 kg/h
Please advise your opinion


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two alarms are active , but no any light on the dashboard
Yes, Engine control units needs a few trips to confirm faults before it turns on dash warning light.

Particle sensor: exhaust temperature: 23.6 °C
The value 23.6 °C seems to be normal although it doesn't make much sense. Verified from my own logs - on a 30 minute trip the reported values were from 0...23°C
I don't know what the value means - perhaps something internal to the sensor. See some related measurements here:

Particulate sensor: status condition automation: 4
I guess the "4" is normal - when a soot leak is detected. The interpretation is on the next line "Regeneration following soot particles plausibility".
Normally values 0, 1, 2 are reported.

Air mass at air mass meter 1: 136.8 kg/h
Seems normal - for the recorded speed 100 km/h.
I found this YouTube presentation on the SCR process and found it interesting and perhaps helpful so thought I would share it.
I'm not sure that this is the most appropriate thread - trust it is.

Hi to All
I would like to share with you my experience referring to issue with my DPF and engine management alarm on dash board.
As I mention previously, after chemical / pressure process of clean DPF, engine management light appear every 300-400km. I scratch my head for long time, because van was drive normally.
In September last year oil service was done, then I reset again alarm but of course I also reset service oil and .....miracle was happened. Touch wood, alarm never appear again after oil service reset.
DPF self burn process appear depend of driving between 180 miles and 300 miles.
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