2018 T6 SWB 150 6 speed
Started getting this annoying fault code now. The primary use of my van is to travel between Cornwall and London once a week so excluding M3/M25 it is sat at 60-65mph for long durations (I haven't used cruise control on my last trip).
So.. short journeys kill a DPF but proper use of a diesel vehicle, long journeys is killing something else?!
The Ad Blue is showing 3500 miles, 1-1.25Ga between min/max. It only dropped 1500 mile range with the last 3000 miles worth of journeys.. blocked Ad Blue injector maybe?
My local VW Van Centre (50 miles away) doesn't know anything about the AdBlue software update so I'm booked into a Van Centre 280 miles away but close to work to have the update done just before Christmas. Fingers crossed.
Started getting this annoying fault code now. The primary use of my van is to travel between Cornwall and London once a week so excluding M3/M25 it is sat at 60-65mph for long durations (I haven't used cruise control on my last trip).
So.. short journeys kill a DPF but proper use of a diesel vehicle, long journeys is killing something else?!
The Ad Blue is showing 3500 miles, 1-1.25Ga between min/max. It only dropped 1500 mile range with the last 3000 miles worth of journeys.. blocked Ad Blue injector maybe?
My local VW Van Centre (50 miles away) doesn't know anything about the AdBlue software update so I'm booked into a Van Centre 280 miles away but close to work to have the update done just before Christmas. Fingers crossed.
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