Feel free to tell me to p**s off


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T6 Legend
Hi all, as per title feel free to ignore or tell me to go find a Skoda forum.

But, if you are willing to lend some expertise.


Skoda (other car) struggled in cold spell recently starting. Presume battery on way out, so booked in to get that changed tomorrow.

Happened a few times needing one of those NOCO to boost/ start. No problems.

I have just noticed the dashcam is not on, nor will switch on (normally can see little screen etc). There is a little blue LED ‘on’ though so it’s getting power you would think.

This is piggy backed into a fuse in dashboard so comes on when engine comes on etc.

Never ever had a problem over a year or more.

So, do you reckon the jump pack thing could have caused issue? If so fuses?

I’ve taken a picture of the piggy back fuses which appear intact. There is a strange skinny glass tube (presumably a fuse) that I cannot detect if this is intact?!

Anyhow, have at it fellow forum folk. Any ideas? Or just tell me to p**s off :)



Ok Piss off. :p :rofl:
Only joking the glass fuse looks blown to me.
You should be able to clearly see a thin silver wire inside the glass going from end to end.
Yeah -;ittle plastic tube looks like a fuse - possibly 1amp or 2amp. Can you run an ohm meter / tester over it and see if it has popped?
Turn it to here and touch the probes together, you should hear a bleep.

Take the fuse out of the holder and touch each end with the probes. If it bleeps the fuse is good, if it doesn’t it’s blown.

Any other thoughts of where to troubleshoot next? Maybe the camera is knackered and the noco jump thingy is a red herring
Maybe tomorrow new battery sees it all solved? Camera could be in standby mode or something?
What does the troubleshooting section of the dashcam manual say? May need a reset or charge from a proper charger. If it’s got a light on that would suggest it has power.
Does the camera come on with the engine running?
A dying battery can cause all sorts of weirdness on modern vehicles with CANBUS electronic systems. Glad you’ve got it sorted.

I think you’ll mostly get a response if you’re stuck with a technical problem - forum members are generally friendly and helpful. What winds a few of these very helpful people up is where a poster is asking a question that has been covered numerous times ‘exactly’ and it is obvious they have not done any ‘self help’ investigations themselves.