Finally De- Badged.

Removed mine before it went to the detailer as I prefer the 'clean' look , now just wondering if i can spell anything clever to use elsewhere inside. Just had Transporter and TDI but no others although it was the showroom model so probably nicked from the glove box.
may be a silly question but how hard is it to remove the badges?

Ditto the above. I have a Transporter badge which obviously want to keep - but also a T28 badge, TDI Badge, BlueMotion badge and it also details 102 - of course I really wanted a 150 but budget simply wouldn't stretch - so am keen to remove all these other badges.

I just heated them with a hairdryer then used some fishing line behind the badge to 'saw' through the adhesive. Residue can be picked off then wiped over with googon or something similar.
I just heated them with a hairdryer then used some fishing line behind the badge to 'saw' through the adhesive. Residue can be picked off then wiped over with googon or something similar.
There's less risk of scratching if you use dental floss instead of fishing line.