Grounding to chasis, is there any need for additional one if leisure battery is linked to starter battery?

A lot of fuse blocks have a negative busbar inbuilt. eg:

Thank you. That is the exact one I have except the 12 circuit one. People were so quick to heckle me just because I was not aware this was not standard.
Don’t think people are heckling you- just trying to help….
What is even stranger is I removed BOTH negatives to the busbar, the starter negative and charger negative and STILL the same! So that is really a head scratcher now!

This sounds like a clue.

How did you make your 'self-made ground near leisure battery' Are you sure there is really good contact to the chassis - not just the paintwork and that the connector is well made.

This sounds like a clue.

How did you make your 'self-made ground near leisure battery' Are you sure there is really good contact to the chassis - not just the paintwork and that the connector is well made.

It was actually nothing to do with the grounds, that I know of, since I removed the new one I added and it still behaved the same. Yes I did remove the paint to reveal bare metal before attaching.

I managed to figure it out. Much of what I thought was 'malfunction', namely the starter sending power to the rest of the system, I think was actually just how things are supposed to work since it is not an isolated setup.

I gave a call to sterling and they told me as much, that you should expect some current to pass through for some time between batteries while voltages drop down again. This gave me some assurance that that was not an issue at all but part of normal function.

So...the problem was actually...a fuse! Not mine though. It was the negative fuse on the device that had blown for some reason. I replaced with another one I had and all running fine again now, touch wood.

Just ran it for a while idling, since this is no weather to be driving in a major storm and all seems ok.

Still don't know what caused the fuse to blow in the first place though so am going to have to monitor things going forward and have a stockpile of fuses in case it happens again!
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