Help! Engine Seized

Boy this is a scary story and being so far from home! Hopefully this is all covered by vw warranty? For camper conversion owners image not only your van being off the road but also your home!

Hope you get it sorted mate.
This is spooky! Last day of my holiday to Australia, my daughter was driving us through Perth. Sat in traffic.....engine just stopped as if someone had switched it off drama at all! She started it up and limped it off the road. Long story short, garage said 3.5 litres more OIL in the sump and engine locked solid! Don't know where the extra oil came from.....I assumed coolant?? Aus $12500 for a recon Mitsubishi diesel engine!!! Apologies for drift....that's a sickener mate! I really hope it's not toast....god, the hassle!!!!!:thumbsdown:
I had that on a shogun, its the washers under the injectors leaking diesel into the top of the head. Oil level increases and eventually it gets injested and you lock up if idle of can lead to a runaway diesel if your at speed.
so far I've found out VW assist is 2 years from new only and its different phone number

they have paid and arranged a rental car for me

if garage fixes it I can collect it on was back, if not they will pay to ship it to UK it takes 10-14 days, lets see how it goes yesterday garage told me they were ordering parts and then VW assist rang to say they were arranging it to go home, so one not talking to other
so far I've found out VW assist is 2 years from new only and its different phone number

they have paid and arranged a rental car for me

if garage fixes it I can collect it on was back, if not they will pay to ship it to UK it takes 10-14 days, lets see how it goes yesterday garage told me they were ordering parts and then VW assist rang to say they were arranging it to go home, so one not talking to other
Wow.....I thought I'd read it lasted for the duration of the 3 years?????
Seems she is fixed I’m heading south Friday to pick van up let’s see how she goes

Hi Ray ..... This has a horribly familiar feel to it. See this thread, from page 2, my post on Apr 12 onwards : > Recovery vehicle on the way.....

As @DaveyB said earlier in your thread here, they can fix the EGR cooler / valve but the collateral damage could be immense, especially as you have been trying to start it. You wouldn't necessarily know now, but it could certainly show itself later in the van's life. Coolant has been in the engine, turbo's and exhaust, so your problems could get very serious/pricey later on outside warranty :eek: I negotiated compensation from VW based on that and I did not try to start or move my van in any way when I saw the coolant level was low
interesting, lets see how it is when I get it, how did you go about compensation claim?
interesting, lets see how it is when I get it, how did you go about compensation claim?

I did it through VW Customer Services. I registered the problem with them from the outset, even before recovery to the dealer. As you know, they then automatically track the issue through to resolution with you and the dealer.

Everybody knew what the problem was, even though it seems to be one of many established issues 'kept quiet' by VW. They took a week to 'diagnose' the problem!! It turns out, the dealer obviously knew what the issue was and reported it as such but as many of us have learnt, VW make the dealers jump through hoops looking for any way they can to get out of a warranty claim or keep it to the bare minimum.

When I learnt what it was and fully understood the potential collateral damage of the issue, I was obviously not happy with just a new EGR Valve and internal engine 'rinse'. In short, due to the seriousness of the issue (and I had not tried to start the vehicle as you had) I told VW I would be rejecting the vehicle. Unsurprisingly, that got their attention and compensation negotiations started.