Help setting up a Victron 50 dc to dc charger

Rioja John

T6 Legend
I’ve removed my Sterling 30 amp dc to dc charger and installed a Victron 50amp dc to dc charger, I have 2 100 ah lithium batteries connected but I’m a bit confused with the Victron manual how to set the charger up.
I can’t find a lithium setting on their downloaded manual.
I’ve just swapped the vehicle battery and leisure battery positives and negative from the Sterling and installed them into the Victron unit, I started our van up but it only showed 9 amps of charge on their app, has anyone set up one of these 50 amp units up on their van?
Battery settings are the smart lithium preset:


Do you have a ignition signal wire? That goes to the H remote port if so. If not you'll need to set the engine shutdown detection settings.

If you're on a T6 or 6.1 with a smart alternator you'll probably not get full amps at idle unless you turn on the headlights, a seat heater, or the blower fan to a higher level.
I’ve removed my Sterling 30 amp dc to dc charger and installed a Victron 50amp dc to dc charger, I have 2 100 ah lithium batteries connected but I’m a bit confused with the Victron manual how to set the charger up.
I can’t find a lithium setting on their downloaded manual.
I’ve just swapped the vehicle battery and leisure battery positives and negative from the Sterling and installed them into the Victron unit, I started our van up but it only showed 9 amps of charge on their app, has anyone set up one of these 50 amp units up on their van?
What was the state of charge of your leisure battery? If it’s nearly full it won’t get full amperage. Also, if you’ve not got it in the right settings that may not help. Plus as TallP says.

What size are your cables and fuses? Are they capable of 50a or have you set the Orion to give a max of 30a?
Hi @ginkster the batteries were reading 13.3 volts so about 70% full the cables are a good size as the pared back cable was a struggle to get in the connections I think 25 mm square and fuses I think 140amp but I would have to check tomorrow.
If you've not got an ignition signal wire you'll need to set the engine shutdown detection - check the manual for that as I've no idea what settings you'll need.

Check the fuse, it's probably a 40a which you'll need to change to a 60a for the 50a Orion.
Hi @ginkster the batteries were reading 13.3 volts so about 70% full the cables are a good size as the pared back cable was a struggle to get in the connections I think 25 mm square and fuses I think 140amp but I would have to check tomorrow.
I would expect the battery to take a decent charge at that state and the cables capable of it (fuses are much bigger than needed though). Double check all your connections are sound and take it for a drive to make sure the smart alternator is kicking in. The ignition wire should not be an issue as it is giving some charge so has detected the can has started. Worth posting some pics of the status page of the app plus the settings.
I’ve removed my Sterling 30 amp dc to dc charger and installed a Victron 50amp dc to dc charger, I have 2 100 ah lithium batteries connected but I’m a bit confused with the Victron manual how to set the charger up.
I can’t find a lithium setting on their downloaded manual.
I’ve just swapped the vehicle battery and leisure battery positives and negative from the Sterling and installed them into the Victron unit, I started our van up but it only showed 9 amps of charge on their app, has anyone set up one of these 50 amp units up on their van?
Hey John,
Have you run an ignition sense wire?
If not, that is ok as using the engine shutdown protection is actually better in some ways; If set correctly, your starter battery will be protected better by using Engine Shutdown Protection, but you will not see your domestic batteries "float" unless you are on a big run with the van, as the charge will be limited unless the starter battery is charged.
Even when the starter battery is charged, you may see limited charge from the dc-dc unless you set the charging profile correctly.
Ideally a sense wire would be run in addition to using shutdown protection, but with parameters set really low, a 50A output to the domestics will cause voltage on the starter battery to sag, causing the alternator to do its thing and make good the voltage to the starter battery. (This of course assumes that the van shunt accounts for the power consumption of the dc-dc charger.)
Failure to set the Victron shut down settings low enough will limit the charge from starter to domestics.
Hope this makes sense!

Here is an example of shutdown settings, but there will be some on this forum that will say these values are too low. Even with these settings, the Victron parameters will dial back the charge provided to the domestics, unless you run the vehicle for a significant duration.
Battery settings are the smart lithium preset:

View attachment 255492

Do you have a ignition signal wire? That goes to the H remote port if so. If not you'll need to set the engine shutdown detection settings.

If you're on a T6 or 6.1 with a smart alternator you'll probably not get full amps at idle unless you turn on the headlights, a seat heater, or the blower fan to a higher level.
I have checked my SB fuse and it is a 50 amp and also my LB is 50amp so I will have to change them for 60 amp.
I can’t get the setting up that you are showing with lithium battery showing.
I’ve boiled a kettle off my inverter, put my headlights and spot lights on full switched the heater to maximum and only managed as shown.

I can’t get this up on my settings either

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FYIW. . .

here is my settings for the BUS. . . limited to 30A.

also note: that due to having the AMT12-2 starter charger - the starter battery is always full. so the smart alternator can charge at 12.2v. so even with these settings is still need to switch the main headlights on, to force a higher charge voltage from the alternator.

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I have checked my SB fuse and it is a 50 amp and also my LB is 50amp so I will have to change them for 60 amp.
I can’t get the setting up that you are showing with lithium battery showing.
I’ve boiled a kettle off my inverter, put my headlights and spot lights on full switched the heater to maximum and only managed as shown.
View attachment 255560

I can’t get this up on my settings either

View attachment 255563
make sure your cables are fat enough to run 50A.

post a pic of the cables and the fuse holders,

and any writing on the cable to the starter battery etc.
Hi I just managed to get the lithium settings but with all lights on and heater on max it read 16amps charge. I will post pictures of wiring soon.
Those LEDs on the top right, what are they doing? Blinking or solid?

Looks like the blue and amber are on in your picture.
