How to activate Adaptive Lane Guidance in a T6.1

I have Lane Assist in my T6.1 and I expected it to be like a semi auto pilot by keeping the car in the middle of the lane. Instead it just ping pongs between the lines of the lane. However it seems like it is possible to enable Adaptive Lane Guidance which will keep the car in the centre of a lane.

Sniffing around VCDS hasn't revealed anything noticeable. I can only assume that it needs a few other adaptions to make it come to life. Can anyone shed any light onto how to enable this feature?

Post your VCDS autoscan.

I enabled Lane Assist (HCA) and Adaptive Lane Guidance on my MY21 T6.1 with VCDS. I don't have the exact steps in front of me but the relevant codings will be included below (TSR & pACC is not fully coded):

> Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428) Labels:| 2Q0-907-572.clb
> Part No SW: 2Q0 907 572 R HW: 2Q0 907 572 B
> Component: ACCCONTIMQB H03 0372
> Coding: 3204670B49FF8748949C815580508700000000000000000004
> Shop #: WSC 00012 790 00202
> ASAM Dataset: EV_ACCMRRCONTIVW376 003016
> VCID: 43D8260FCB138273D21-8016

> Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels:* Redir Fail!-SRI3
> Part No SW: 7LA 920 320 A HW: 7LA 920 320 A
> Component: KOMBI 502 5175
> Coding: 24A40008658800080188620B1001000080001F02
> Shop #: WSC 00012 790 00049
> ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBA0 001044
> ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBA0_VW27.rod
> VCID: 353C48D795C72CC36C5-8060

> Multifunction steering wheel control module:
> Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 3G0 959 442 N HW: 3G0 959 442 N
> Component: E221__MFL-PR6 H07 0110
> Serial number: PR6-0440036007212854
> Coding: 2C0D00

> Address 44: Steering Assist (J500) Labels:| 2N0-909-143.clb
> Part No SW: 7LA 909 144 F HW: 7LA 909 144 D
> Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS 751 7150
> Coding: 1306
> Shop #: WSC 00012 790 00202
> ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMNB 002012
> ROD: EV_SteerAssisMNB.rod
> VCID: 45DC3817C527BC43FC5-8010

> Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794) Labels:* None
> Part No SW: 3G5 035 876 C HW: 3G5 035 876 A
> Component: MU-O-N-R2 H56 0782
> Serial number: WG8LGM151220000
> Coding: 64600008000020000000000000000000000000000000000000
> ASAM Dataset: EV_MUOIMQB 001002
> VCID: 2F307ABF779B1613269-807A

> Address A5: Frt Sens. Drv. Assist (R242) Labels:* None
> Part No SW: 2Q0 980 653 B HW: 2Q0 980 653
> Component: MQB MFK 3.0 H13 1202
> Serial number: E57829512203390
> Coding: 00010C08117AC020909F00000030002006018000000000000000000000000000
> ASAM Dataset: EV_MFK3ValeoMQB 007042
> ROD: EV_MFK3ValeoMQB_007_VW27.rod
> VCID: 343A75D39EBD35CB5BB-8060
I have a recently delivered new T6.1 with traffic sign recognition and high beam assist which should mean that activating active lane assist ('adaptive lane guidance'?) is possible - right? I have the Carista dongle (which I've not yet used) - is there a really easy to understand step-by-step guide I could follow to make this work? Anyone out there with the time/patience to help me/talk me through it? These paragraphs of code are a little overwhelming for me and I'd be worried that I'd mess something up irreversably!
Thanks in advance :)
I have a recently delivered new T6.1 with traffic sign recognition and high beam assist which should mean that activating active lane assist ('adaptive lane guidance'?) is possible - right? I have the Carista dongle (which I've not yet used) - is there a really easy to understand step-by-step guide I could follow to make this work? Anyone out there with the time/patience to help me/talk me through it? These paragraphs of code are a little overwhelming for me and I'd be worried that I'd mess something up irreversably!
Thanks in advance :)
Please tell me you got this working - I am holding off buying the dongle as I have been unable to identify what steps are needed, and active lane assist is not listed as one of the "features" of the Carista. I have traffic sign recognition and headlight beam assist on a 2022 T6.1, so I think I am ready to go.... thank you so much.
my dealer forgot to add the lane assist and we got a van with sign recognition, acc, side assist but no lane assist.

Was anybody in this thread able to enable lane assist?
Hi graffic, I'm in the same boat exactly. I've contacted a guy called Andy at Audi Upgrades to see if he can recode it. Just waiting for his reply (Tried the Carista Beta route but to no avail) Will post if he gets back to me.
Welcome to the forum @graffic

This thread is more about how to enable the Adaptive Lane Guidance option if you already have Lane Assist installed and working.

Sounds like you need Lane Assist retrofitting which is a different thing and I think depends on which level of camera you have fitted.
Hi Roadtripper, can I just clarify with you Lane Assistant is just like Lane departure , ie just steers you back to the centre of the lane?
Welcome to the forum @graffic

This thread is more about how to enable the Adaptive Lane Guidance option if you already have Lane Assist installed and working.

Sounds like you need Lane Assist retrofitting which is a different thing and I think depends on which level of camera you have fitted.
Ah! Understood, sorry. I’ll search around for the right thread and open a new one if I cannot find one.
Hi Roadtripper, can I just clarify with you Lane Assistant is just like Lane departure , ie just steers you back to the centre of the lane?

The feature you can buy at build time is "Lane Assist" and intervenes at the point it believes you are about to depart the lane but not during normal driving.

The undocumented feature (at least on the T6.1) in the system that can be enabled through aftermarket systems like VCDS is the "Adaptive Lane Guidance" mode in "Lane Assist" and this recognises you are in a lane and intervenes near continuously to keep the vehicle in the centre of the lane.

If you have "Adaptive Lane Guidance" active and the systems cannot recognise both sides of the lane then it falls back to the lane departure mode on the side it can see.

When driving the small pictogram shows you what state it is in. If you have green dashed lines ( 1 or 2 ) then it has recognised a lane edge and lane departure is active for that edge. If you have 2 bright white lines it has recognised both lane edges and determined you are in a lane and now adaptive lane guidance is active and will hold you between the two recognised edges. If you just have grey lines then no edges are recognised.

I have "Lane Assist" from factory and have enable "Adaptive Lane Guidance" through OBDeleven, some thoughts on having used it for a few months for those thinking of trying to get "Lane Assist" retrofitted mostly to get this additional option:

It's not self driving at any level.

Yes combined with ACC on a dual carriage way in good conditions you can briefly experience what that would be like if you loosely hold the wheel and let the van "drive" - however the steering input it gives is definitely a "guidance" level of torque in Adaptive Lane Guidance and overridable by human steering input - as such it would not be able to intervene in situations where your are diverted from your course with something like a pot hole or other road surface issue that needs rapid and positive intervention. The system does not operate at low (town) driving speeds - I don't have an estimate but it feels about the same threshold as the High Beam assist so around 30mph

It can be very annoying.

The system ensures you are not trying to "self drive" but the only way it has to do this is to feel the drivers steering input, it doesn't have something smarter like capacitive sensing of hands on the wheel. What this means in practise is that when you naturally adapt your driving style to the way it works... you are not in conflict with it so it doesn't sense your steering input. So paradoxically the more you drive the way it guides you to drive - the more you will get alerts. You get a warning chime level and white icon message alert about a minute after it senses no input, very rapidly followed by the bright red icon and alarm chime level (like the auto brake) if you don't respond with steering input. Very shortly after that the whole of "Lane Assist" will disengage leaving the steering free.

It can be remarkably good but also wrong.

The system is actually remarkably good at spotting edges and then recognising it as a lane. In some ways this is actually a bad thing as it means that when it get's it wrong (and it will) it's more unexpected. It seems to work remarkably well in low light as well, to the point where I wonder if the camera has the ability to also operate somewhat in the infra red. Where it get's it wrong is where it can see an edge that isn't, for instance it can spot tar sealing lines on long repairs as an edge or a painted out line (especially in roadworks). Where the Adaptive Land Guidance additionally get's it wrong is where lanes diverge or merge; there is a limit where it can recognise edges but realise they are too far apart to be a lane and it drops back to lane departure. What this means is that if you are in a situation where 2 lanes merge into one there is a risk it will recognise the "wide" section early and try to position the vehicle across 2 lanes of traffic merging, likewise where lanes diverge you may end up it positioning you in the centre and then suddenly straddling the point they diverge. In practise most lane marking is rational enough it copes but...

What does it feel like?

When working well the best way to describe it is that it feels like a worn bit of road where the trucks have pressed a couple of ruts into the surface and the van wheels are following the ruts. When it get's it a bit wrong it can feel like you've hit a bump or there is something loose in the steering.

Do I still use it?

Yes mostly. There are situations (like roadworks) where I turn the whole Lane Assist off, but when it's on currently I leave it in the Adaptive Lane Guidance mode. It is annoying that I have to give the wheel a little wiggle every so often to respond to the times it thinks I'm not holding the wheel and this may get annoying enough I stop using it. Mostly this happens on long dual carriageway driving where most of us adopt a lower looser hold on the wheel ready to tighten up and respond if you need to - Adaptive Lane Guidance really hates that. But it has been reassuring especially with the distractions having a young family in the back can cause. I will certainly leave it on when MrsRT decides she has the confidence to drive it.

Would I recommend it?

If you have Lane Assist already and have the ability to enable it I'd definitely give it a go. If nothing else it gives a glimpse into the future of what self driving may become.

If you are considering retrofitting Lane Assist just to get Adaptive Lane Guidance then I don't think I would. It's a nice feature but it's likely not worth the journey. If you want the basic lane departure function then go for it,but if you specifically want Adaptive Lane Guidance I'd recommend trying to find someone who has it enabled and seeing if you can have a drive first. You may find the way it intervenes unsettling or the constant reminder to steer highly annoying.
Ah! Understood, sorry. I’ll search around for the right thread and open a new one if I cannot find one.

It was more to assist you in searching @graffic rather than saying you had done anything wrong :thumbsup:
The feature you can buy at build time is "Lane Assist" and intervenes at the point it believes you are about to depart the lane but not during normal driving.

The undocumented feature (at least on the T6.1) in the system that can be enabled through aftermarket systems like VCDS is the "Adaptive Lane Guidance" mode in "Lane Assist" and this recognises you are in a lane and intervenes near continuously to keep the vehicle in the centre of the lane.

If you have "Adaptive Lane Guidance" active and the systems cannot recognise both sides of the lane then it falls back to the lane departure mode on the side it can see.

When driving the small pictogram shows you what state it is in. If you have green dashed lines ( 1 or 2 ) then it has recognised a lane edge and lane departure is active for that edge. If you have 2 bright white lines it has recognised both lane edges and determined you are in a lane and now adaptive lane guidance is active and will hold you between the two recognised edges. If you just have grey lines then no edges are recognised.

I have "Lane Assist" from factory and have enable "Adaptive Lane Guidance" through OBDeleven, some thoughts on having used it for a few months for those thinking of trying to get "Lane Assist" retrofitted mostly to get this additional option:

It's not self driving at any level.

Yes combined with ACC on a dual carriage way in good conditions you can briefly experience what that would be like if you loosely hold the wheel and let the van "drive" - however the steering input it gives is definitely a "guidance" level of torque in Adaptive Lane Guidance and overridable by human steering input - as such it would not be able to intervene in situations where your are diverted from your course with something like a pot hole or other road surface issue that needs rapid and positive intervention. The system does not operate at low (town) driving speeds - I don't have an estimate but it feels about the same threshold as the High Beam assist so around 30mph

It can be very annoying.

The system ensures you are not trying to "self drive" but the only way it has to do this is to feel the drivers steering input, it doesn't have something smarter like capacitive sensing of hands on the wheel. What this means in practise is that when you naturally adapt your driving style to the way it works... you are not in conflict with it so it doesn't sense your steering input. So paradoxically the more you drive the way it guides you to drive - the more you will get alerts. You get a warning chime level and white icon message alert about a minute after it senses no input, very rapidly followed by the bright red icon and alarm chime level (like the auto brake) if you don't respond with steering input. Very shortly after that the whole of "Lane Assist" will disengage leaving the steering free.

It can be remarkably good but also wrong.

The system is actually remarkably good at spotting edges and then recognising it as a lane. In some ways this is actually a bad thing as it means that when it get's it wrong (and it will) it's more unexpected. It seems to work remarkably well in low light as well, to the point where I wonder if the camera has the ability to also operate somewhat in the infra red. Where it get's it wrong is where it can see an edge that isn't, for instance it can spot tar sealing lines on long repairs as an edge or a painted out line (especially in roadworks). Where the Adaptive Land Guidance additionally get's it wrong is where lanes diverge or merge; there is a limit where it can recognise edges but realise they are too far apart to be a lane and it drops back to lane departure. What this means is that if you are in a situation where 2 lanes merge into one there is a risk it will recognise the "wide" section early and try to position the vehicle across 2 lanes of traffic merging, likewise where lanes diverge you may end up it positioning you in the centre and then suddenly straddling the point they diverge. In practise most lane marking is rational enough it copes but...

What does it feel like?

When working well the best way to describe it is that it feels like a worn bit of road where the trucks have pressed a couple of ruts into the surface and the van wheels are following the ruts. When it get's it a bit wrong it can feel like you've hit a bump or there is something loose in the steering.

Do I still use it?

Yes mostly. There are situations (like roadworks) where I turn the whole Lane Assist off, but when it's on currently I leave it in the Adaptive Lane Guidance mode. It is annoying that I have to give the wheel a little wiggle every so often to respond to the times it thinks I'm not holding the wheel and this may get annoying enough I stop using it. Mostly this happens on long dual carriageway driving where most of us adopt a lower looser hold on the wheel ready to tighten up and respond if you need to - Adaptive Lane Guidance really hates that. But it has been reassuring especially with the distractions having a young family in the back can cause. I will certainly leave it on when MrsRT decides she has the confidence to drive it.

Would I recommend it?

If you have Lane Assist already and have the ability to enable it I'd definitely give it a go. If nothing else it gives a glimpse into the future of what self driving may become.

If you are considering retrofitting Lane Assist just to get Adaptive Lane Guidance then I don't think I would. It's a nice feature but it's likely not worth the journey. If you want the basic lane departure function then go for it,but if you specifically want Adaptive Lane Guidance I'd recommend trying to find someone who has it enabled and seeing if you can have a drive first. You may find the way it intervenes unsettling or the constant reminder to steer highly annoying.
Thanks roadtripper that really helps
@roadtripper Thank you for the description. We have “lane assist” in our Touran. And I can confess that during 5 years, I had lane assist in adaptive mode and I didn’t know that it was an extra option . I thought that was the same thing. Walking around the menus I found a checkbox to disable the adaptive mode.

In our Touran, and in my personal opinion, the system is a life saver. Yes, it is a weird feeling when the steering wheel is not only under your control. But it is very easy to get a bit distracted trying to calm down a toddler seated in the back, or operating the radio/gps. Even some times when I’m tired I can feel it helping me.

For our California, the dealer added in the order side assist without lane assist. (Plus other stuff, like the fully digital dashboard, that I won’t get into details or I will rant for two pages)

The dealer asked VW if it is something that can be added later. I’m 95% sure that probably it can be added, but better ask around :)
So... I was able to enable lane assist and adaptive lane guidance in a T6.1 California beach without lane assist, but with ACC, signal recognition and side assist.
It works, not so well as in my Touran. But it does the job. After I enabled the adaptive mode, I don't see the lane assist green light in the dashboard anymore. But I can feel the adaptive lane assist working.

For a comparison point, this is the menu in my Touran:
After I enabled the adaptive mode, I don't see the lane assist green light in the dashboard anymore. But I can feel the adaptive lane assist working.
Your menu looks very similar to the one on my 6.1 (I have ACC and Lane Assist from factory and have enabled Adaptive via OBD11)

If Adaptive is working and recognising the lane then I don't get the "normal" green icon, but the road pictogram has solid white lines either side. It's quite subtle and for the first hour or so after activating it I was convinced I had broken everything until I went for a drive and noticed. I'd offer to photograph it for you but as it only activates at speed I don't think that's sensible!
I also thought I had broken something.
Your menu looks very similar to the one on my 6.1 (I have ACC and Lane Assist from factory and have enabled Adaptive via OBD11)

If Adaptive is working and recognising the lane then I don't get the "normal" green icon, but the road pictogram has solid white lines either side. It's quite subtle and for the first hour or so after activating it I was convinced I had broken everything until I went for a drive and noticed. I'd offer to photograph it for you but as it only activates at speed I don't think that's sensible!
Small rant: I got the crappiest dashboard ever because the dealer "forgot" to include the digital one. A 1K CHF option now is a 2700 CHF retrofit.

Anyway, without the adaptive option enabled I was getting this green icon. It is very similar as the Touran one. Although the touran was always yellow till the adaptive engaged and became green. I've also just coded a missing option in the dashboard (lane retention assistance, BAP distance), I will test during tomorrow's drive to school.