If you could do it all again...what would you do different?

@DXX @JOG. If you ever need to repair a hole or tear, suggest trying TearAid. It’s very strong and stretchy tape to use as a patch. I’ve had a 5”x3” piece on either side of a tear for on my canvas for nearly 4 years now and it’s still waterproof and strong. It was easy to get my Mrs on the opposite side with a hard back book pressed against the canvas to give a flat surface. When I did the job, I also put a patch on a piece of the same roof material outside in the garden and left it for 12 months in all weathers and it looked as good as new when I finally took it back indoors. Brilliant stuff if a little priceyfor what’s in the box.
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The DPFs seem to cause the most issues though?
I believe EGR, DPF and adblue all make the top 5 of VW's all-time 'greatest' issues. In musical terms, they're a medley!!
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Not forgetting on suspension/droplinks Ginger"Clunk" Baker with Stevie Wonder Where and H4 headlights... Travelling Wilburys eat your heart out.:thumbsup:
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Probably mis-classified in the database as a Euro 6.
Wish mine was. Mine is Euro 5 and early T6 and each emission zone I check I get charged. Simple thing is, I don't go there!!!!! Looking at the adblue system though I'm glad I dodged that that but got caught on the dreaded EGR!!!
Yes, my T6 is an early 2016, No AdBlue, Euro 5, not an issue for me but it would be for many.
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