Was meaning to ask you if the Rs in your name was ford related I do love me fords well anything ford related as long as it's got Rs in front of it .View attachment 4643
That's a hell of a spec there andythom188. Mines running 220bhp and that's enough. It would keep with my cossy.
They look very nice m8 I had a white 4x4cosworth took it in pix for one of my series 1 Rs turbos did the deal at national day donnington.
The head was stage 2 gas flowed , lightened and balance flywheel , steel rods Low compression pistonscharge cooler , 360 hybrid turbo Collins performance chip , Kent cam and nice big fat 4" magnex exhaust to get rid of all them gases held nice,y at 20lbs of boost tailed off to 18lbs
I've only got the escort cos left now would of loved a series one to keep it company in the garage