Did I mention i bought a ECO-Worthy Lifepo4?
this was OCT/NOV 2023. . . . but looks like i missed doing the post?
100Ah 12.8v
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Right, so getting back to this. . . ECO-WORTHY 100Ah Lifepo4
while abroad sunning it up in Spain for a while this popped up. . .
£279.99 seemed like a good deal, so i got one.
and that Shunt looked nice to, and as these battery's have a BMS, but no BT or screen, i though id get that to go with it.

back home in Blighty this is what arrived . . .
a well packaged lifpo4 . . .

it come with a set of bolts, and a install guide . . .
3000+ cycles,
10 yr life span,
built in BMS,
12.8v 100Ah - Lifepo4

its good to see the info of the lable on the battery. . .
and they make good point about charging and discharging outside of these temps. . .
NO Charge below 0c.
No discharge below -20c.
this is because, as far as i can see there is no LOW TEMP Protection in this battery. . . . . .
No charge blocking - Nothing.
Its down to you to ensure your setup has the required cold temp protection.. . .
Low voltage protection, not tested yet - the sticker shows 10v - 14.6v.
the first thing i do is get it into one of my battery boxes, it fits nice.
a slightly different shape than the Renogy and Poweroad - but fits all the same.
the battery box already has a Victron Smart shunt fitted - so ill use that for monitoring for the meantime.

over to the manual, its actually nice to see some good detailed information. . .
which to be fair it should have seeing as there is no BT App, or anything else to tell you what the battery is doing.

they mention storage 5-40c,
and that long term storage should be 50-80% SoC.
do not leave at 100% for long storage times,
and to recharge every 2months for 1hr.
and dont leave low state for any time 5% SoC



they give a nice chart detailing. . .
voltage vs SoC, . . eg
13.46v @ 100%
13.23v @ 50%
13.06v @ 20%
12.85v @ 10%
its always best to keep the batterys above 20% low point - that way they will last longer overall = more charge cycles vs running them dead flat each time.
they also show wire gauge chart:
14awg - 20A
8awg - 50A
4awg - 85A

nice . . .
this is it dropped into the battery box and linked in.
we have the 50A MIDI fuse block,
with 50A Andersonn conectors for IN & Out,
plus the Victron Smart Shunt for voltage and capacity monitoring. . .

then we get it right on charge from the solar shed.

that was then . . . . .
two months later. . . after forgetting about it. . .
weve moved on a bit.
its been added with another two battery boxes.
they hold the HEATED Poweroad 100Ah lifepo4`s.
and are all connected together. . .
we have three 100ah stack giving us 300Ah for the solar shed.
that's all charged via the 100/20 MPPT Victron unit, with 400Wp solar up top.>

monitoring is via the Victron shunt . .

temp control is an issue as the Eco-Worthy doesnt have low temp protection. . .
so while the battery is connected to the stack I've set the 100/20 MPPT solar charger to default LIFEPO4 charge profile.
this profile limits charging below 5c.
BUT. . .
i doesn't have its own temp sensor, you need to add one,
i have a smart battery sense and a temp sensor on the Smart BMV that shares the temp data, , ,
that means it wont charge when its loo cold. . .
pic limit reached.