MIB2 PQ Discover Media - Infotainment mods, upgrade, FEC / SWaP

I definitely lost WiFi on mine, even though I removed all references to the Bluetooth update (it's a combined Bluetooth/WiFi chip) from the metainfo2.txt it still seems to have done it, as it refers to 'C300' in the about menus which is not right for my unit. It could be a 02xx problem though, later units may have the later revision Bluetooth module. I will see if I can make it just update Bluetooth with the 'correct' update and see if that fixes it, I just haven't had time yet, if if does work I'll throw something together for others to use too.

I have just bought a new Discover Media which arrived this morning, it's on 03xx according to the sticker so I'll see if that loses WiFi as well on the update as it'll be a different (newer) hardware revision. I'll also check out the menu systems etc and see if I can find any differences.

The new one (with DAB, this time) will also mean I can relegate the old one to the bench...so more experimentation is possible now too

I don't remember where I saw this link "Volkswagen Infotainment Update (vagupdate.com)", but why do you not use it to upgrade your discover media?
On my side the WiFi is mandatory as I use my smartphone for the internet connection.
That method will only allow you to upgrade within the current software range, ie, if you have a unit with software 0245 you'd only be able to upgrade to 0252, not anything in the 03xx range or 04xx range. And, it's pretty expensive too!

I am hoping to sort out the WiFi issue with some experiments, and also hopefully prove it only affects units with original software of 02xx, I reckon 03xx units will be the later revision chip that will work straight away.
Ok, I didn't order it, but I asked them which is their number release as there is no information about it.
Thanks for your information as I didn't understand that the upgrades are within each range.
Ok, I didn't order it, but I asked them which is their number release as there is no information about it.
Thanks for your information as I didn't understand that the upgrades are within each range.
If you want to upgrade within your units software range (without any of the previously mentioned messing around) I can send you a link to the files. Download, extract to SD, and press update. Whether it will improve the unit in any way is probably a matter of opinion!
My current release is 0359. I don't know if it is too old but my GPS often don't found any address. If an update is able to fix it I'm interested to test it.
If there are some new functionalities with 04xx I'm interested also (of course) but I'm afraid as it seems not simple to do.
My current release is 0359. I don't know if it is too old but my GPS often don't found any address. If an update is able to fix it I'm interested to test it.
If there are some new functionalities with 04xx I'm interested also (of course) but I'm afraid as it seems not simple to do.
It looks like the latest firmware publicly available for the 03xx range is 0368. I don't think there's a changelog published anywhere so we don't know what the differences are.

If it's just a map update you're after, that can be done fairly easily, you just need to patch the unit to accept non-VW SD cards using MIB2Std toolbox, stick the new maps on an SD card, and away you go. If you need help with that, PM me, probably best not discussed openly
So, a bit of time spent on the WiFi issue this afternoon. My intention was to force the D408 Bluetooth firmware on to the unit, but having checked with MIBStd2 toolbox (MIB_info option) it already identified as a UGZZF-1 01A with FW D408, even though the menu system (Version info or similar) says it's a C300. So the issue is not the wrong firmware being installed, it's the rest of the firmware only expecting to find something running C300 firmware.

The good news is, you can check either via MIBStd2 toolbox or the settings menu as to which version Bluetooth module you have. If it's UGZZF-1 A1A / C300, you're good to go. If it's UGZZF-1 A1A / C194 , I believe it *should* update OK to C300. If it's UGZZF-1 01A / D408, it's no good unfortunately, you'll lose WiFi when upgrading to 0478.

My unit is HW version H22, I have not yet checked my newer unit to see what version that has, but it will be a H3x HW version. My intention is to fit the newer unit in the van soon, check the Bluetooth version, load 0478 and see what happens and report back. It would be good if we could get a list going of which Bluetooth module we have fitted and which hardware revision we're on, just to give prospective upgraders/DM purchasers an idea.

Once the old unit is relegated to the bench, I'll see which is the newest version of firmware that will accept a D408 Bluetooth module, and try and extract the Bluetooth sections from cpu/cpuplus sections of the working firmware and load them into 0478. I'm not hopeful about that method, but it's worth a go. It may take me a while due to working away next week, and having young kids, but I'm looking forward to attacking it already!
my HW version is H31 (running smoothly with SW 0367).

Can you please give me more details how can I check via settings menu (I have developer mode activated but no MIBStd2 toolbox installed) which Bluetooth module I have actually installed in my unit?
my HW version is H31 (running smoothly with SW 0367).

Can you please give me more details how can I check via settings menu (I have developer mode activated but no MIBStd2 toolbox installed) which Bluetooth module I have actually installed in my unit?


Without MIBStd2 toolbox, you can try this, however, it did not work with my new unit on 0361 firmware.

Menu > Settings > System Information > Scroll down to 'Bluetooth Version'
This has only worked on my 0478 unit so far, and it only says the version the software is set up to use. So it's only actually accurate if your WiFi is currently working.
system info.png

The best way is to install Mibstd2 toolbox, and then follow the following instructions:-

Enter GEM > Mibstd2_toolbox > Mib_info > Show short system info. It will fill up various pages with information, scroll up to the first page and look for "RF Module".

mibstd2 system info.png

It should show one of the following three:

  • Alps UGZZF-1 01A (BT+WiFi) FW: D408 - WiFi will NOT work on 04xx software
  • Alps UGZZF-1 A1A (BT+WiFi) FW: C194 - WiFi SHOULD work on 04xx, and it SHOULD update to FW C300, I will prove this later today on my own unit [see update]
  • Alps UGZZF-1 A1A (BT+WiFi) FW: C300 - WiFi will work on 04xx software
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As promised...guide to updating to software 0478. I can't take credit for working this out, it was the clever people on the german forum, I've just rewritten the instructions and added the photos...
There's nothing illegal in this, it's just for updating to version 0478, and I am not going to post about removal of component protection or generation of swap codes.

Guide to updating 02xx/03xx to v0478 on Discover Media PQ Technisat/Preh

-Firmware MST2_EU_VW_PQ_P0478T
-MIB2std toolbox
-8gb SD card (formatted to FAT32, 4096kb blocks)
-Knowing how to get into emergency mode if it goes wrong (see end of post)

(PM me if you need the above files and I'll send you a link)

First off, check your coding of the 5F module with VCDS or similar. Make absolutely sure that byte 17 (skin) is set to 01 (Highline). And connect your vehicle's battery to a suitable charger...
View attachment 129376

Download MIB2std toolbox, extract onto an SD card, and for 02xx only, as per the instructions "replace `cpu` folder in the root of the SD card with `cpu` folder from `\toolbox\gem` folder"

Insert SD into right hand slot (navigation), hold down menu button, click software update/versions, software update, SD card, MIBSTD2_Online_approval, follow the prompts and install it. Ignore the 'connect diagnostic tester' bit

Once complete, enter GEM by holding down menu button for 10 seconds. Enter mib2std toolbox, go down to 'Tools' and select 'Patch tsd/mibstd2.system.swdownload to accept any metainfo2.txt'
Let it do its stuff, then restart the unit (hold down power button for 10 seconds)
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Once rebooted, hold the menu button again, press Software update/versions, software update, press the current version, and the logging ID is displayed in brackets under CPU. For mine, it was 13. Make a note of this number.
View attachment 129377

Now, unpack the 0478 firmware archive to your SD card. We now need to modify the metainfo2.txt to let us install it on an 02xx/03xx device. Stick metainfogenerator.exe onto the SD card, and run it. Press enter twice, then type in the logging ID you recorded earlier and press enter twice again.

View attachment 129369

Delete your original metainfo2.txt, and rename the modified one.

Stick your SD card back in, then hold down menu, click software update/versions, software update, SD card, MST2_EU_VW_PQ_P0478T, and install it. Again, ignore the 'connect diagnostic tester' bit for now. There will be a couple of updates that appear to fail (emergency), this is normal, I believe it's because it's tried to install them after it has rebooted, and it knows it's a modified metainfo2.txt again. You can safely ignore them.
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You should have now booted up into software 0478! Assuming your unit is factory fitted and hasn't been previously messed with, you have nothing else to do and can carry on, your FeC/SWaP codes will not be touched. MIB2std toolbox will have been lost, so re-install it again if you want it back, but as you are now on 04xx, don't mess with cpu folder this time.
View attachment 129372

To get the grid style menu, press Menu, Settings, Screen, and select 'Grid'
View attachment 129375

If you want the extra skins as well, extract the skins archive to an SD card, insert into right hand slot (navigation), hold down menu button, click software update/versions, software update, SD card, MIBSTD2_Online_approval, follow the prompts and install it. Once its rebooted, hold down menu, press Testmode, and go to HMI Skin Change.

Known issues:-

-No Transporter graphics are present. Code the unit as a Crafter instead, I am working on copying/creating suitable Transporter graphics for the skin package

-WiFi may not work any more, working on a fix for this. I tried the method detailed here, and also tried removing all references to updating bluetooth from metainfo2.txt, but it still stopped working.

-DTC 1555 appears. Using VCDS or similar, go to 5F, Adaptations, and 'Confirmation of installation change'. Enter the 4 digit hexadecimal code here and enter the new code that is generated and save it. You can now reset the code and it'll go away

-DTC 1556 appears. Enter GEM, Mib2std toolbox, Tools, then select 'Clean SWDL history and keep only non-duplicated FW updates'. Reboot the unit, and you can now reset the code and it'll go away.

-If it goes wrong, you need to enter emergency mode to recover, which involves using a FT232DL and opening the unit. Further info below.


So, you've messed up. Your unit is stuck in a boot loop, all you see is "Welcome to Volkswagen" and you feel like a right idiot. All is not lost...

Firstly, assuming you've left it a suitable amount of time to let it do what it's trying to do, hold the power button in until it reboots, you never know, it might just need a restart.

Secondly, double check the coding of the 5F module, make sure you're on Skin 1 (Highline). If you're coded to a skin that doesn't exist on this version of firmware (like Hybrid), it won't boot. You should be able to code it and access it via CAN even with it stuck in a bootloop.

If that's not solved it, we need to do an emergency mode flash. You need a firmware package relative to the unit's hardware, so if you were starting off with an 02xx firmware, you need to recover with 02xx, etc. Stick that on your SD card, and put it in the Navigation slot.

Next, remove the unit from the vehicle, and take the lid off the unit, 4 screws in each corner, one underneath a warranty sticker. Lift the CD/DVD drive out, and disconnect the ribbon cable.
View attachment 129366

Connect your FT232DL to the large plug at the back of the unit as shown, you need 2x Junior Power Timer connectors. Twisted cable is ideal but single wires should be fine for a short run. Connect the GND pin of the FT232DL to the metal case of the unit. If you need clarification, its the orange/purple and orange/brown wires in the photos.
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Connect the USB end to your computer. Using PuTTY or a similar terminal emulator, connect via Serial, enter the COM port number (check Device Manager), and set the baud rate to 115200. If you get a load of garbage appear, swap Tx and Rx around and try again.
View attachment 129364

接下来,断开设备的电源。您现在需要桥接如下所示的两个触点,我使用了金属镊子。保持它们桥接,并为设备供电。PuTTY 会话中应该会出现一个菜单,其中包含多个选项,一旦看到,请移除桥接器。在键盘上点击“2”,紧急模式应该启动,它会开始安装固件。
View attachment 129367View attachment 129362

恢复正常后,您可以卸下 FT232DL 并重试,但这次不要采取任何措施破坏它。
Well, it looks like I had a complete brain fart. I was under the impression the Chinese skin was required to get the grid style menu and access to the 'Vehicle' menu...and, as someone warned in a previous post, because I did it wrong I ended up back to emergency mode. On the upside, I've now got a comprehensive idiot's guide mostly written to go from 02xx/03xx to 04xx in the easiest and safest possible way, watch this space.

I did end up finding a skin collection including a Skoda and SEAT skin. I've gone with the SEAT one as I like the menu graphics better. All I need to do now is swap the Crafter images for Transporter ones, I'm not planning on copying Robert too much though, the standard ones are fine for me. I may make my own graphic for the 'Vehicle' tile in the SEAT skin to show a Transporter, though. If there's a call for it, I could throw together a modified version of the skin package that is 'Transporter friendly' as soon as it's installed, if there's call for it...

The only other observation from me is, alongside all this, I was playing with my USB hub again, and got it working under 0478. As soon as I reverted to 0252, the same error that's been troubling me for weeks reappeared. As soon as I got to 0478 again, its working flawlessly again. So, I am assuming USB hubs are not supported on 02xx firmware. Now it's working I'll do a full write up for those interested in fitting the hub

Anyway, here's 2 videos for your enjoyment/my showing off. One of TheKeymeister Jr. showing how easy it is to load FEC codes with ODIS once you know what you're doing, and the other giving a run through of my new skins.

Can you share these skins of yours? I want to use it in my discovery media.
Have a look at mine.


I've got a -19 LWB model with pretty much all the extras (climate in the back for my noble K9, etc etc (is it silly to link your license plate).

Been contemplating if I should change my current MIB2 to an aftermarket. I could just tell from your vid that yours is more responsive than mine.
I don't like the constriction of the stock unit, I want to tweak and preferably get wireless AA.

Have you overclocked yours or is it just a newer version? Is it worth installing an aftermarket now, or wait for my next ride?

I'm planning on keeping this for another 24 months.

Kinds regards,

I've got a -19 LWB model with pretty much all the extras (climate in the back for my noble K9, etc etc (is it silly to link your license plate).

Been contemplating if I should change my current MIB2 to an aftermarket. I could just tell from your vid that yours is more responsive than mine.
I don't like the constriction of the stock unit, I want to tweak and preferably get wireless AA.

Have you overclocked yours or is it just a newer version? Is it worth installing an aftermarket now, or wait for my next ride?

I'm planning on keeping this for another 24 months.

Kinds regards,
Which software version is your unit?
Hold menu button down and go to software update/versions.

The main performance difference as far as I know was a change in memory but the units with less memory were 01xx versions, if yours is a 2019 model I'd expect it to be much newer. Perhaps if you have an outdated software version that could be holding it back. We can help update if required

Unfortunately wireless AA doesn't seem possible, from what I've read, only the very newest units (in ZR version, not PQ) seem to have the hardware capabilities to support wireless AA and even then it is a challenge to enable it. You can buy a custom USB dongle that allows it on any vehicle though. I plan on doing this at some point to mine, wireless AA and a Qi charging pad under the top tray above the Discover Media
Have you overclocked yours or is it just a newer version?

This video was recorded when I was running my DM with SW version 0253.
No overclocking is required on DM :D .
If your unit is not responsive enough I would suggest to perform full factory reset.
Next thing would be to verify if your SD cards aren't dodgy. Simply take them our and see if your units behaves any better.