Guys hey!
This forum is amazing. But Im obviously bad with searching, since english isnt my native language. So I apologize in advance if asking something that has already been answered.
A basically have two questions. I own a 2016 multivan, that im very subtly turning into a campervan, possibly without to many alterations to the van itself.
I want to power my 12v compressor fridge and a small water pump, and thats mostly all the need I have.
1. question - would this line of thought work - Im making a 230v connection to the van, and from there, I thought of putting a 30a battery charger to the main battery (I do not intend to install a second leisure battery, nor do I have one under the seat), and plugging the fridge into the existing 12v socket by the front door in the rear compartment. When driving, the altenator would power the battery, thus powering the fridge, and when stopped and plugged into grid, the battery charger would power the battery and the battery would power the fridge. Is this a bad idea?
2. question - I have no idea how to check if the 12v socket is always on in the rear compartment. I know the 12v socket is always on at the dash cam, how do I check if the 12 socket in the rear is always on, not having to sit for an hour in the van to see if it still works?
Sorry, third question - where is the fuse location for the rear 12v sockets? Is it okay, to turn the original 12v socket from 1 socket to 2 sockets?
Thats 4 questions
also, Im a newbie, please be gentle