Single most useful thing

For me, it has to be the awning and the inflatable sofa bed.
Trying to share the R&R bed with the wife, a dog that insists on sleeping under the duvet and a farting collie got too much, we then added another collie who insists on spread eagling himself on you whilst he is upside down doesn't make for a good nights sleep.
And if the gas emitting from the dog (or the wife) is too odorous then I can always jump in the van.
Given the picture you've painted, it's hard to comprehend why you'd ever stay over in the van!! :rofl:
Bivvy loo is fast becoming the go to instead of the Thetford!
Much less space and hassle
I solved the problem of where to store the toilet by getting a matching cushion made for the top and made a ‘skirt’ to wrap around the sides and it’s a very handy seat for using sink or hob or for a foot rest.
I solved the problem of where to store the toilet by getting a matching cushion made for the top and made a ‘skirt’ to wrap around the sides and it’s a very handy seat for using sink or hob or for a foot rest.
Already have a box like that with plates and cups etc in it…perfect spare seat and foot stool / mini table
Nobody asked me what PB Versions 1 to 3 are. So here you go. :)

PB1: Chocolate Yazoo bottle - pros: opaque, small enough to hide whilst walking across the site on a morning. Easily replaced at motorway service stations. Cons: very sharp inner neck of bottle. Conclusion: Bin

PB2: Fabric conditioner bottle - pros: no razor blades on neck of bottle. Cons: very difficult to hide on walk across site without a rucksack. Have now associated conditioner smell with toilets. Conclusion: Recycling bin.

PB3: Portable toilet bought under duress during lockdown. Pros: luxurious. Cons: whole family uses it but only I empty it. Don’t want to see any of my family’s droppings, however much I love them. Conclusion: EBay

PB4: Purpose-designed Concertina bottle. pros : Stowable. Large when expanded. Nobody knows what it is. Feasible to hide under jumper walking across site. Nobody else in family wants to use it. Cons: None. Conclusion: keeper.

Happy Friday. :)
Nobody asked me what PB Versions 1 to 3 are. So here you go. :)

PB1: Chocolate Yazoo bottle - pros: opaque, small enough to hide whilst walking across the site on a morning. Easily replaced at motorway service stations. Cons: very sharp inner neck of bottle. Conclusion: Bin

PB2: Fabric conditioner bottle - pros: no razor blades on neck of bottle. Cons: very difficult to hide on walk across site without a rucksack. Have now associated conditioner smell with toilets. Conclusion: Recycling bin.

PB3: Portable toilet bought under duress during lockdown. Pros: luxurious. Cons: whole family uses it but only I empty it. Don’t want to see any of my family’s droppings, however much I love them. Conclusion: EBay

PB4: Purpose-designed Concertina bottle. pros : Stowable. Large when expanded. Nobody knows what it is. Feasible to hide under jumper walking across site. Nobody else in family wants to use it. Cons: None. Conclusion: keeper.

Happy Friday. :)
That's the main drawback with most options ... the walk of shame across the campsite to empty.