Solar not Charging through CTEK


New Member
Hi All, first time poster, looking for help and advice on Solar charging through CTEK D250SE.

I bought a converted T6 2 years ago and now seem to be having issues with the solar not topping up the Leisure Battery.

I have a Victron Connect Blue Smart charger but believe this is for the 240v to 12v charging. I also have a CTEK D250SE under driver seat next to LB, which I believe is for Solar and Alternator charging. Please correct me if you think or know that is incorrect.

The solar panel on the roof is wired to the CTEK and I have put a multimeter on the pos and neg of the CTEK solar and, as its a sunny day today, got a reading from the solar panel of 11.3vdc, but this then drops to 3.9vdc randomly.

When my van is all switched off the battery monitor from the Victron is saying a negative draw of -2W which shows me, I think that, the solar is not charging the battery and if the van is left for a few weeks the LB alarms starts to sound as it hits the lower alarm threshold. So that does tell me the solar isn't topping up the LB.

The CTEK standby light and solar light flashing once every 10 seconds, which I can't find this sequence of flashing lights in the user manual. See attached photo.

Does anybody please know what this could be or have any suggestions.

Thanks very much in advance

Steve wilko





Solar panel failed?
11.3V doesn't sound right.
What's the spec for the Solar panel? - another possibility is the panel Open Circuit Voltage is above the 23V limit of the CTEK and it's input has been fried

Hi Simon.

Thanks for your reply.

The solar panel is an "Allpowers 18v 100w solar panel", I don't have any other details on it unfortunately.

I don’t know what model you have fitted, but at least some Allpowers 100W solar panels available now seem to be 30V open circuit. This is well outside the CTEK spec.

Hi Wayne,

Thanks for reply. It was an app update needed. Have done it since I took the screen grab. But that hasn't changed the issue I have.


Hi Simon,

Yeah I'm getting 11.9v max from it.

Disconnect the panel from the CTEK and see if you get a sensible voltage from the panel on a sunny day - if so , probably a CTEK problem. If not, the panel has failed
Hi Sim60,

Appreciate the help mate, I will try that. Thank you.

I remember my faulty panel showing signs of life when the panel was cool, but as soon as it started getting warm (ie receiving sun) it produced virtually zero.
We should start a failed panel owners club...