You want to make a solar shed?Dear Dell (etal).
I've recently become of a certain age where I bought my first shed. When it was first erected (oo err missus) I thought it was the bees knees. Then the missus emptied the junk from the garage into it... (Cries...)
As I live in the north, I have an eye on winter and the darker nights. I have a solar suitcase which is going unused which has a basic battery charger attached, but I'm not keen on butchering it so started looking at simple kits from the usual suspects like Eco-Worthy etc... Budget isn't an issue but I don't see any need to splash out my hard earned on a mega power station PV system just for some winter lights and maybe a simple USB charging system.
Have you good people of this manor any suggestions for a nice simple system to charge a low power system for lights and maybe a future USB setup.
My van has the DCC50A and I also have the Victron Blue Smart battery charger so I have those Bluetooth apps on my phone. The Victron MPPT 75/15 caught my eye as it's not overly expensive and I can connect via BT with the extra module.
Any other suggestions? Many thanks.
This is my super-basic solar shed set-up.
Everything pre-loved, I'm no electrician as you can see....
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All depends on what you are running off it really!What size PV would keep a car battery topped up so I can see in the dark hours?
You've missed the point here, it's not that they "don't like the cold" but that it is actively dangerous to charge any lithium below freezing. A jacket is not enough, you either need a low voltage charge cutoff in the battery itself or in the charger.Any particular batteries to avoid. I saw an Amazon only Eco Worthy kit with an 8 A/hr Life PO but reviews suggest these don't like the cold. I could form some sort of insulated jacket for it I suppose.
Mental set up Lee.out with the old . . .
in with the new.
3.6Kw swapped out for the 8.0Kw model.
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new 50mm2 - 200A DC feed cables made up . . .
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i uprated the 100A fuse to 160A for now. . . thats the MAX this fuse holder can take. ( the inverter can deliver/request 190A max, so ill set the limiter for now)
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I've ordered the 200A fuses and fuse holder, but that for another day. . .
more panels added too . . . now we has 12x 400w on the shed roofs.
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battery still the same. . . 25Kwh
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And just to think this all started from a crappy 20w 12v solar panel. Shown in my first solar Vid.Bloody hellfire![]()
Awesome...Unfortunately I'm out of roof I can easily use, but my first foray may well be 12v shed for the garden railway.
Unfortunately the ideal location is the big garage with pitched roof, unfortunately it's detached on the end of a 20A armoured feed taken from a 13A fuse spur to save the builders about 5m of cable.
But having recent acquired the EV and having an older FIT era solar array on the house I am considering an AC battery system, especially if I can charge it at EV rates.
Don't hold your breath on that. Both 'Smart Meters' in my house and nearby holiday cottage are such equipped and seem to be operating correctly according to the light sequences.....but Ovo are not getting readings from either....therefore no smart tariffs. Millibunds faultJust have to get the meter changed from the one Edison would recognise so I can actually get the smart tarrifs.