How much were you charged mate, if I may ask?
My van is ex AA, 2017 150 DSG and won't go above 75. Found out on the motorway trying to pass some joker who kept speeding up when I attempted to pass....only for me to have to pull back in when the van hit the limiter......felt a right plonker lol.
So, got a quote from a local ECU Remapping "specialist" to come round and get it removed.....£180-£280 "depending on VCDS readings" from my van!!!

For what is likely under a 5 minute job, I thought this to be taking the p*ss to the extreme. I can buy a genuine VCDS unit for £185 and do it myself and then also perform other coding stuff in the future if need be into the bargain.
I don't know how anyone can justify charging that for something that would take literally minutes, that's just plain cheek and greed if you ask me!