Legal advice needed! Speeding in a converted N1

Not an expert, but I have done a bunch of reading on this - so, in short...

It matters not what your V5 says when it comes to Road Traffic Offences - the important thing is where the vehicle sits in relation to the Con and Use regs
The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (Part 1 Regulation 3)

As hinted at above - there is vast amounts on this on the forum, spend a happy hour, or three reading you will be wiser for the experience.
Not an expert, but I have done a bunch of reading on this - so, in short...

It matters not what your V5 says when it comes to Road Traffic Offences - the important thing is where the vehicle sits in relation to the Con and Use regs
The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (Part 1 Regulation 3)

As hinted at above - there is vast amounts on this on the forum, spend a happy hour, or three reading you will be wiser for the experience.
Thread 'Speed limits/ DVLA / Motor Caravan / Dual Purpose / N1 and all that malarkey.'
Speed limits/ DVLA / Motor Caravan / Dual Purpose / N1 and all that malarkey.
Well for anyone interested……I’m still waiting for the evidence assessor! I did think about getting in touch with NWP and asking them how long it usually takes to assess what to everyone on here would say is straight forward but I don’t see why I should do the chasing!!! I’ll update you when and if I ever hear from them!
Well for anyone interested……I’m still waiting for the evidence assessor! I did think about getting in touch with NWP and asking them how long it usually takes to assess what to everyone on here would say is straight forward but I don’t see why I should do the chasing!!! I’ll update you when and if I ever hear from them!
Another 7 so weeks the offence has timed out and it'll be too late for them to start proceedings, so I'd keep quiet myself.
Well for anyone interested……I’m still waiting for the evidence assessor! I did think about getting in touch with NWP and asking them how long it usually takes to assess what to everyone on here would say is straight forward but I don’t see why I should do the chasing!!! I’ll update you when and if I ever hear from them!
They have located the bucket of sand and promptly stuck their collective head in it allowing the issue to wither on the vine. Time to stay schtum and let it pass.
Another 7 so weeks the offence has timed out and it'll be too late for them to start proceedings, so I'd keep quiet myself.
I’m not sure how the time frames work, I’m sure the original nip was early august! I argued the toss for weeks and said I’d go to court towards the end of September. I just can’t believe it takes 5 months to assess the evidence
They have 6 months to proceed with the actual the prosecution (the NIP is in effect a placeholder only to stop the window certain offences timing out after 2 weeks) so if it was early August you're almost in the clear. If a summons hasn't been issued by the 6 month anniversary you can wipe your arse on it.

My personal take is the Evidential Review Officer has looked at it and told the civvies in prosecutions they're a bunch of CHIMPS (completely hopeless in most policing situations) and told them to go away and stop distracting him from his coffee and biscuits, and they just haven't bothered getting back to you.
Are you absolutely sure you didn't receive it tomorrow?
Also, if it was sent exactly 6 months after the offence, but not received before or on the 6 month anniversary, it might be worth bringing that to the attention of mlud.
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The 6 months starts the day after the offence and that's the crucial date for despatching it (the date of receipt doesnt matter if it goes beyond 6 months), so they were cutting it fine for sure.

Fingers crossed for you. I've a feeling the CPS (Couldn't Persecute Savile) prosecutor will bin it on the day of court order you present your evidence.