SPOTTED - 'Was it you?' thread

Are you sure it was friendly and are you sure it was a thumb that was up?

All I can say is it was short beep not a prolonged blast, but I didn't see the digit in question as he was on my N/S as we passed him in the queue for a roundabout. Mrs Bav reported the thumbs up and speculated he was confused and that he mistakenly thought he was driving a Transporter. :giggle:
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Spotting a few vans around Lizard area of Cornwall this week anyone there. We keep popping out to Porthleven and a nip to St ives. We're in a Danish blue van if you've seen. Get some thumbs up and waves but no of all. Party poopers
Volkswagen Institute of Management Technical Talks?

Must've been held in Isle of Mann? :think smile bounce:
Chris, you've somehow managed to corrupt the image of "watching sweaty blokes in leather suits with balls of steel, hooning around astride rocket ships" into "listening to sweaty blokes in polyester suits, talking balls, lounging around astride conference-hall chairs". :oops:
We're staying on the Lizard, not far from Helford.
T6's are two a penny down here it seems !
Got waved at by a high top yesterday as we were parked up near the dolmen of Lanyon Quoit. Will keep an eye out for a blue van, we're in a white LWB kombi
Would that be same bloke, who may just have 2 brand new front brake hoses looking for a good home?
Oh bugger - sometimes I speak 1st, prior to engaging the grey matter.
How may I offer the most sincerest of apologies?
Can I be back in your good books again oh great, northern, good looking, young fella?
Mine is the T6 on the left - Jolene

Is it your own?

It seems I have a new habit of, when driving into car parks I have to find a T6 to park next to regardless of distance to the premises - the distance in this case was significant hehe
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