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If you like me don't fancy leaving expensive bikes on a tailgate or tow hitch rack while you dive into a motorway service station or the pub on a weekend away then you might be interested in the system I'm using in my SWB Kombi.
It's not a new idea and can be found as old threads on older generation forums but thought it might be a new idea to some 6'ers.
I'm basically using a pick up truck mount fitted across the tailgate opening. remove the front wheels of the bikes and clamp forks onto mounts which can be positioned along the bar to allow best nesting with the next bike. My set up will easily accommodate 4 bikes behind the second row of seats.
Here's it loaded up with three bikes to wet your appetites:-
View attachment 4735
If you want to do a really cheap version, I custom cut a scaffold board, sanded and painted it, and mounted fork mounts to it…works a treat, if it wasn’t for my shelving system I would get 3 mounts on that, however I have just added a 2nd wood strut that sits further back…I can get 2 29” emtb’s in by just removing the middle seat, or take out 2 rear seats to get 3 bikes in