T5.1 Diff problems


New Member
Hello all,
My first post here. trying to unpick a problem with our new /old van.
We have a MY12 7H Transporter LWB Diesel with 4motion and Diff lock, took it to our mechanic a month after buying it and he says the diff is stuffed and needs replacing.
It seemed to drive OK to me, so I asked how he knew it was stuffed. He said he knew by the amount of oil on the outside and that it was grabbing on the test drive. Wr had never used the diff lock yet, and I don't think the previous owner ever had either. Anyway, long story short, we are looking for a part number 09N.525.010, and then it has an E etched at the end.
I cant seem to find a replacement part anywhere, are they really rare?
Thanks guys, Birdy
Hi birdybird welcome.

I am very sorry to hear that you have a suspected differential problem. I have not come across anyone so far were the diff its self is a problem on the forum. More usually the problem is activation of the vacuum actuators the on and hold and he disengage, so a bit different. I have come across Landrover owners occasionally with knackered diffs however.

The oil said to be on the outside of the diff is it extensive? Is there oil in the pan? When I mentioned actuators, it is possible to have a disengage actuator malfunctioning. This would cause the differential to remain locked if someone where to engage it. That could also cause snagging known wind-up . Normally most diffs are open to allow easy movement on the road when negotiating bends and the like or allow each wheel to travel its own dictated distance without hindrance or affecting the other one. The wind up causes tension in the mechanism and half-shafts which can be released rather dramatically when lifting a wheel, when for instance bumping over a curb. Off road, tyre slippage may allow the tension to disperse because a wheel might slip on a slippery or loose surface.

Certainly it needs proper investigation. I am sure some of the talented experts on here can advise better than I.