T6 and DPF. Yes that old chestnut!


VIP Member
Right OK I'm new. So hi everyone.

First ever vw transporter and its a T6 2017 t32 shuttle 204bhp.

Very mechanically minded. I own a land rover restoration business, so im use to bleeding knuckles and a lot of swearing.

I have fully licensed vcds and its showing dpf issue.

My readings are actual 42 and calculated 48

It refuses to auto regen the dpf. Even a forced regen fails. A 100 mile drive still fails on motorway.

The figures suggested its not that high but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Yes I have read the 100's of other post Re the same thing but not come across one that refuses to do a forced re gen.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

PS anyone in the Telford area needing vcds scanning give me a shout I'll help no worries.
can you post post you scan result?

what codes are listed?

bit of background here:

Good point. Its on the laptop, I'll grab it tomorrow and post it, thank you.

Cheers Dave
As requested the file from yesterdays efforts.


  • Log-WV2ZZZ7HZHH081236-207610km-129002mi.txt
    13.9 KB · Views: 58
As requested the file from yesterdays efforts.
Hmmm... the freeze frame values... are interesting... since last regeneration 65.8 km but still extremely high soot values.
Both forced regen procedures fail?
-Service regeneration of particulate filter
-Service regeneration of particulate filter while driving
What the VCDS displays - you mentioned VCDS? refuses?

Could you please post all measurement blockmap data from engine - preferably engine on tick-over:

VCDS -> Applications -> Controller Channel Map ->
Tick/fill boxes as above and hit Go

VCDS Flashes screens for a moment (when finished hit "Done, Go Back") and there will be file blockmap-01-... in directory C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs\....

PS. Well, not related to the problem but if not too cheeky would be curious to see the same from the DSG (as above but controller address 02).
Right OK I'm new. So hi everyone.

First ever vw transporter and its a T6 2017 t32 shuttle 204bhp.

Very mechanically minded. I own a land rover restoration business, so im use to bleeding knuckles and a lot of swearing.

I have fully licensed vcds and its showing dpf issue.

My readings are actual 42 and calculated 48

It refuses to auto regen the dpf. Even a forced regen fails. A 100 mile drive still fails on motorway.

The figures suggested its not that high but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Yes I have read the 100's of other post Re the same thing but not come across one that refuses to do a forced re gen.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

PS anyone in the Telford area needing vcds scanning give me a shout I'll help no worries.
might be a daft question, but is the DPF light on on the dash or is the fault only showing in VCDS? Is it a historical fault that just needs clearing?
Not teaching you to suck eggs, you’ve got more than 1/4 tank of diesel right?

And the old disconnect battery as per @Dellmassive post here - https://www.t6forum.com/threads/guide-full-van-ecu-reset-capacitive-discharge-how-i-done-it.13730/
No worries, Yep it had 60L in, Ill have a look at the thread in a sec cheers.

Hmmm... the freeze frame values... are interesting... since last regeneration 65.8 km but still extremely high soot values.
Both forced regen procedures fail?
-Service regeneration of particulate filter
-Service regeneration of particulate filter while driving
What the VCDS displays - you mentioned VCDS? refuses?

Could you please post all measurement blockmap data from engine - preferably engine on tick-over:

Yes both failed, forced standing and forced driving.
VCDS showed Nothing during the standing forced regen and simply just stopped after 15 mins without doing anything.
VCDS showed error message after 10 mins of driving, stating it had stopped due to safety reasons. (guessing values got too high and stopped in case of fire?)
I have attached all the files to this message inc the DSG ones you requested.

might be a daft question, but is the DPF light on on the dash or is the fault only showing in VCDS? Is it a historical fault that just needs clearing?
Not daft at all, Strange thing is, the warning lights on the dash only show the Glow-pug coil and the engine management light. I have cleared the codes and they instantly come back.

Im going to attempt a DPF chemical clean on Monday, Only direct access to the front of the DPF looking at the thing is from the Ad Blue injector at the front. So im going to give that a go with some JLM Spray. see if that works then see if i can force a regen after. Unless someone on here with far greater knowledge than I knows why thats a bad idea.

Thanks for all your feedback much appreciated.


  • blockmap-02-0BT-300-046-J_WV2ZZZ7HZHH081236-20210410-1720.CSV
    39.7 KB · Views: 9
  • blockmap-01-04L-906-056-AE_WV2ZZZ7HZHH081236-20210410-1718.CSV
    130.9 KB · Views: 6
Thanks. I compared your data with mine (though only having 48000 km on).
The following stick out. I believe the "Charge limit" is the thing here - the soot mass (calculated) now exceeds the maximum and thus presumably preventing DPF regeneration.
However, the mystery remains why the regen didn't happen when it was due - at 30 grams of soot (calculated). Were there faults at that time?
Looks like DPF oil ash mass has been adapted so the ECU believes it has got a new DPF recently.
Anyways, I'm not sure what's the safe way ahead. Would adapting soot value in basic settings do the trick or just set van on fire :oops:?
A few more lines in the attachment.


  • CheeT6-blockmap-01-04L-906-056-AE+mmi.pdf
    38.3 KB · Views: 9
he following stick out. I believe the "Charge limit" is the thing here - the soot mass (calculated) now exceeds the maximum and thus presumably preventing DPF regeneration.
However, the mystery remains why the regen didn't happen when it was due - at 30 grams of soot (calculated). Were there faults at that time?
Looks like DPF oil ash mass has been adapted so the ECU believes it has got a new DPF recently.
Anyways, I'm not sure what's the safe way ahead. Would adapting soot value in basic settings do the trick or just set van on fire :oops:?

Wow thank you mmi, yes it looks all very high doesn't it, funny as the soot levels were below the 50 threshold when this issue started. i didn't have any faults until last week and that was just the coil and engine management lights.
We have recently done a few short journeys but not many tbh. And as for the oil ash mass value being changed that wasn't me so that's strange.

so I have ordered some DPF Spray cleaner and will give this a bash the end of next week so Ill let you know how i get on.

Out of curiosity has anyone one here ever done a manual DFP clean themselves? im hoping to go in via the AdBlue injector as that's the only way i can see direct access to the soot?

Any advice?

Thanks very much for your help very much appreciated.
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As a follow up. I purchased the K2 DPF spray cleaner. And followed the instructions only to see it tottaly fail to do anything whatsoever. My soot levels didn't even drop by 1g! So I have admitted defeat and booked it into a local garage to have a look when they do my cam belt. Fingers crossed. Thanks all for your help and comments.
Any update?
yes sorry have been away for a few months.

Nothing exiting im afraid. Removed the DPF myself and cleaned using off the shelf DPF cleaner, no change in frequency of regens. Expert clean at local DPF specialists, No change to re gen frequency. Local garage check hoses and changed pressure sensor, no change to regen frequency.

conclusion, the T6 Euro 6 204 is a nightmare on fuel and dpf regens!

I have learned to try and live with it.

Basically on long journeys it goes without any hitch obviously. Short journeys are ok BUT expensive! But as soon as you fuel levels are below 1/4 tank and you do 2 or 3 short journeys, as soon as you re fill the tank you get the DPF light on the dash immediately. DPF's wont regent below 1/4 tank and or engine temp below 70 degrees. So a 25 min journey clears that light up no worries.

So looking at a DPF delete option, yep im aware of MOT implications but its bloody expensive running this thing. Having said that id not change it for the world :)
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Thanks... still curious to hear more...
no change to regen frequency.
What kind of frequency you are seeing?

But as soon as you fuel levels are below 1/4 tank and you do 2 or 3 short journeys, as soon as you re fill the tank you get the DPF light on the dash immediately.
Any chance to create yet another blockmap-file (as per post #7) when the DPF light reappears.

Have you seen my observations about short journeys?
Any chance to create yet another blockmap-file (as per post #7) when the DPF light reappears.

Have you seen my observations about short journeys?
Ill try but time is so tight these days, I have seen your post now, wow lot a work gone into that, first class job.

I see lots and lost of posts with regards to MPG and DPF frequencies with these engines. To me they seem to be hand in hand but I could be wrong.

Mine seems to do a regen every 10 mins or so, you can tell with the slightly higher revs at traffic lights or during stand still idle in traffic etc. just hovers around the 1000 rpm mark then after regent it drops to about 900 ish. The amount for diesel it uses to clean the DPF surly counter acts the environmental benefits of having the DPF to start with?
Ill try but time is so tight these days, I have seen your post now, wow lot a work gone into that, first class job.

I see lots and lost of posts with regards to MPG and DPF frequencies with these engines. To me they seem to be hand in hand but I could be wrong.

Mine seems to do a regen every 10 mins or so, you can tell with the slightly higher revs at traffic lights or during stand still idle in traffic etc. just hovers around the 1000 rpm mark then after regent it drops to about 900 ish. The amount for diesel it uses to clean the DPF surly counter acts the environmental benefits of having the DPF to start with?
Hi mine is exactly the same, vw t6 150 shuttle 250,000 miles. Did you delete yours in the end? Or did you get down to the route cause of poor fuel economy around town and dpf light every time you fill up even if its just to the quarter level. At this rate I'm going back to my swb sprinter.

Hi mine is exactly the same, vw t6 150 shuttle 250,000 miles. Did you delete yours in the end? Or did you get down to the route cause of poor fuel economy around town and dpf light every time you fill up even if its just to the quarter level. At this rate I'm going back to my swb sprinter.


It all got a little more complicated with me I'm afraid. Long storey short we replaced the engine! In the end the engine started using 4L of oil every 200 miles! This was the result of constant regents flooding the bors and washing the oil away to then score the walls to then start drinking oil etc. Diesel in the oil etc its was wrecked. this then burned oil that caused the dpf to clog every 30 seconds it was a mess. So new engine. Dpf sent to a specialist in Bristol. All OK but we now have a dpf sensor fault light but pressures seem good even though sensor is new. So going for a re map next week. Fingers crossed.

As a word from experience. If you drive your vehicle within the 1/4 tank mark then your vehicle will never call for a regen. So when you fill up it will always do one and throw up an error. Your best bet is to have always at least 1/2tank and avoid short journeys. Let the ecu complete its regens as and when needed. But you may need the dpf cleaned also. If it carries on I suggest a visit to your local mechanic who knows what they are doing.