Robert thank you for the calculator, I understand how conversion to byte works, question is if bit 7 is most significant bit or least significant bit in these codings
Byte 18 how I converted your coding seems 73 to me but that doesnt work on my car, if I put 67 there lights stays on but there is still warning on dash
And yes I have odis and not vcds on hand and never coded ant vehicle ever before :)

2ADC5F65-DD52-4218-8C14-93E1AB58A93F.jpeg These are errors with 67 on byte 18

Below is all HEX, you need to make this changes from the coding shown at your picture:

Byte 16 should be C0 (o is zero here)

Byte 18 - 73

Byte 19 - 89

Byte 21 - CD

Byte 22 - 79

Byte 23 - 60 is OK

Try it and tell us how it works, should be fine ;)
Byte 16
thank you albert just to clarify, why C0 for byte 16?
Byte 16 Bit 0 Activation low beam via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Abblendlicht über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 16 Bit 1 Activation of fog light via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Nebelschlusslicht über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 16 Bit 2 Activation of Daytime running lights via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Tagfahrlicht über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 16 Bit 3 Activation of High Beam via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Fernlicht über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 16 Bit 4 Lamp Diagnostics for Low Beam active
Byte 16 Bit 5 Lamp Diagnostics for Rear Fog Light(s) active
Byte 16 Bit 6 Lamp Diagnostics for (Separate) Daytime Running Lights (DRL) active
Byte 16 Bit 7 Lamp Diagnostics for High Beam active

Shouldnt be all of activations through pwm?,
no pwm and drl and high beam check, Is that how it should be, checking on DRLs and High beams and ignore low beams, bcs errors I posted suggest there is high beam error?

Byte 19
Byte 19 Bit 0 Control of fog/cornering light via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Nebel-/Abbiegelicht über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 19 Bit 1 Control of rear lights via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Begrenzung-/Schlusslicht über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 19 Bit 2 Control of brake lights via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Bremsleuchten über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 19 Bit 3 Control of indicator/turn lights via pulse width modulation (PWM) active (Ansteuerung Blinkleuchten über Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) aktiv)
Byte 19 Bit 4 Lamp Diagnostics for Turn Lights active
Byte 19 Bit 5 Lamp Diagnostics for Fog Lights and/or Cornering/Turn Lights active
Byte 19 Bit 6 Lamp Diagnostics for Tail Lights active
Byte 19 Bit 7 Lamp Diagnostics for Brake Lights active

i dont have fog lights so I think better would be 88 for byte 19 but then again I should use pwm for turn signals and no pwm for activation other things in byte 16?

Byte 18
yes if I analyse it from any angle it seems 73 is correct option, what seems strange is with 67 light stays on when I start the car and with 73 no, they flickers and goes off, maybe there are some problems with wiring? It was not me who was making the wiring but service, will probably have to check it

Byte 21
since no fog lights is installed in my vehicle it seems to me 41 is your CD without them for byte 21?

Byte 22
Byte 22 Bit 0 Light reduction / evaluation Light switch (LDS) Position 0 (at 'ZV CLOSE'?) (Standlichtreduzierung / Auswertung Lichtdrehschalter (LDS) Stellung 0 (bei 'ZV ZU'?))
Byte 22 Bit 1 ?
Byte 22 Bit 2 Low beam inactive with main beam active(Abblendlicht inaktiv bei Fernlicht aktiv)
Byte 22 Bit 3 Display daytime running light active / installed (Anzeige Tagfahrlicht aktiv/verbaut)
Byte 22 Bit 4 Shut-off of rear fog lights (NSL) with luggage compartment open (Abschaltung Nebelschlussleuchten (NSL) bei geöffnetem Kofferraum)
Byte 22 Bit 5 Assistent Driving Light (ADL) active
Byte 22 Bit 6 Interlock Display (Clutch Message) in Instrument Cluster active (Funktion Automatikstart aktiv)

you propose Bit 0, 3, 4, 5, 6 on
I dont know what bit 0, 6 means at all, will try it for sure, but i am sure I dont have ADL so it seems I should try 59?

Byte 23
Have you tried E0, Robert or Albert? Bit 7 seems interesting to m,e., it doesnt fix anythings but seems fine if drl goes off when turn signal is active

At this moment i suspect wiring and PWM settings to be wrong on the light but I will surely try these codings before checking wiring. Currently I think service used some kind of adapoters 10->14pins + wired pin 10 directly to bcm ports as Robert wrote on previous pages. But that is just guest will have to check it Monday.
And final questions:
What should be PWM after FullLED front lamps are installed? Are these PWM or not? Are turn lights, drl, low, high beams in them PWM controlled?
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I personally always prefer binary coding of individual bits in the byte in question.
Using complete hex for the byte is not always accurate as a point of reference because of equipment differences and people's preferences.
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Just to let you to know my source to advice you this coding, this is one of my documents where I cross-check the configs of H4 or H7's vs. stock LED vans:


Rows 3, 4 and 5 are factory OEM LED vans module 09 HEX coding. 3 is LHD and 4/5 are RHD.

Row 1 is my cali H4 LHD.

Row 2 is a caravelle H4 LHD.

Row 6 is a transporter H4 RHD.

No idea about if this vans have fog lights or not (mine has), but I think that there is no problem on using this coding in your case because at the bottomline, there are no cold lamp diagnose for front fogs.

Is a nice idea to double check the wiring to discard problems beyond the coding.
ok done, we connected pwm signal (probably not necessary as leds are not pwm controlled), also coding for my h4 no fog light no light sensor cali is as follows:
byte 16- C0
byte 18- 73
byte 19- 88
byte 21- 21
byte 22- 59
byte 23- E0

There is still error on high beams in ECU (both lights), but no error on dash, what is fine with me. Could be cause by some missing equipment like light sensor or ADL, idk.


btw when i tried excatly your coding it did not work -> high beam error on dash (probably ADL)
i have a little problem with the DRL of the headlight
i have a T5.2 my 2013 converted in a t6,
my oem headlight was the H4 model,
i installed the fullled version from a t6 california,

i have access to erwin with my job, and i follow the original pincode of the t6 california.
the oem pincode of my t5 is
4 + DRL
5 NEGATIVE 2.5mm
6 + lowbeam
7 ND
8 +highbeam
9 +indicator
10 +parking light

the t6 scheme i found on Erwin is the same that you had posted many pages ago,
i followed the schemes, but the drl doesn't work in anyway,
low and high beam works great, the same for indicators, but the drl no...

i use pin 10 with the + signal of original parking light, and pin 12 with the original drl + signal, i tried with inverted pincode but is the same, no light by drl...

what am I doing wrong?

I forgot to tell you that at this moment i don't have auto levelling, i'll install the kit in a future

thanks in advance for your time!
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Are you installing the levelling system ?
Pins 1/2/3/4 are for range control/servomotor so if you are not doing the levelling these will be unused

I dont have all the pinouts to hand for the LED looms that i make but the list above does not look correct, for example pin 8 takes a 12v feed (originally pin 1 on H4 headlights) and this does nothing, there isnt even a connection in pin 8 on the back of the headlight but you list it as highbeam and say the headlights are working ?

Im confused ?
Are you installing the levelling system ?
Pins 1/2/3/4 are for range control/servomotor so if you are not doing the levelling these will be unused

I dont have all the pinouts to hand for the LED looms that i make but the list above does not look correct, for example pin 8 takes a 12v feed (originally pin 1 on H4 headlights) and this does nothing, there isnt even a connection in pin 8 on the back of the headlight but you list it as highbeam and say the headlights are working ?

Im confused ?

the pincode i'we listed is the OEM of my t5 model,
the pincode of the t6 i've used is the same that @Robert write in this post.
OK i understand, have you coded them correctly ?
When retrofitting them the DRL is inactive until you code the BCM
yes i coded by vcds.... but i'm not really sure the code is correct, because the string code i found on this post is for t6 models, and i'm not sure for the t5 is the same....

but I think I was wrong with cables,
i send on pin 10 the signal of my pin 4 (drl +)
and on pin 12 the signal of my pin 10 (parking light +)
is correct?

I’m not sure, all my notes and diagrams are at work and I’m at home, if @Robert doesmt answer I will have a look another day and confirm