For future reference. Applicable to T6 EU6 engines.
Oil pressure switch - F1. Switch pressure 2.3 to 3.0 bar
Oil pressure switch for reduced oil pressure - F378 (919-040)
Oil pressure regulating valve N428 (906-030)
Workshop Manual Transporter 2016- Engines: CXFA, CXGA, CXGB, CXHA, CXGC, CXHB, and CXEB, CXEC
Note: different documents for engines built before/after August-2018.

T6 - 2.0 Diesel EU6 Engine Wiring Diagram
2L Diesel Engine With Start/Stop Circuit Diagram Covers Euro 6 engines CXFA/CXGA/CXGB/CXHA/CXHB Please check the history/updates tab, first release is for early T6s manufactured from June 2015, second release is for vehicles manufactured from...

T6 - 2.0 Diesel EU6 Engine Wiring Diagram
2L Diesel Engine With Start/Stop Circuit Diagram Covers Euro 6 engines CXEB/CXEC Please check the history/updates tab, first release is for early T6s manufactured from June 2015 with CXEB engine, second release is for vehicles manufactured from...
Oil pressure switch for reduced oil pressure - F378 (green)
At the rear of the cylinder head above the turbocharger. Use asmall hand mirror if necessary as it is difficult to reach.

Oil pressure switch - F1 (brown)
In the (base of) oil filter housingOil pressure regulating valve - N428
In the neighbourhood of oil filter
More details how to remove >here<
In the graphs the status of oil pressure switches (closed/open) is combined to show oil pressure states. Thus value 200 basically indicates oil pressure somewhere 0.3...2.3 bars, and respectively 400 indicates oil pressure above 2.3 bars. Also graphed is control signal of Oil pressure regulating valve (this far only values 0/100% observed).
Each dot in the graph represents a data point in the recording.
Picture 1.

Picture 2.

Picture 3.

Picture 4.

EDIT: picture replaced to show more "bumps"
The bumps 1 and 2 by just flooring the pedal quickly. The third by gradually (slowly) increasing revs - note no change in green/orange.
IDE00021 Engine RPM
IDE00497-MAS00627 Status of oil pressure switches-Oil pressure switch for high pressure
IDE00497-MAS00628 Status of oil pressure switches-Oil pressure switch for low pressure
ENG130437 Oil pump PWM signal duty cycle
IDE00497-MAS00627 Status of oil pressure switches-Oil pressure switch for high pressure
IDE00497-MAS00628 Status of oil pressure switches-Oil pressure switch for low pressure
ENG130437 Oil pump PWM signal duty cycle
VCDS Basic Settings - IDE00494 - Test of changeover of oil pressure valve
T6 Engine controller has a dedicated test to verify operation of oil pressure regulator. The test runs engine for 10 seconds at 3000 RPM and commands oil pressure to "high" full time of high revs (unlike normally just for a short burst seen in picture 4).Picture 5.

If the test fails I would expect to see something else than - routine OK? Please report back!
A detailed example how to run and record the test (Basic Settings)

[T6_measured] 01-Engine - Built-in test for EGR
So it seems - inevitable P0401. Well, visited a VW garage to be tested - the van had accumulated 30 events in ECU's memory since July 2021 (since 20 months now). Eventually managed turn on the emission light at event number 31 - thus had a priviledge to have EGR flow tested. The result -...
- Attached a VCDS measurement setup file TEST_OIL_PRESSURE_REGULATOR.u01 - remove the .PDF extension so it will become a VCDS compatible .u01 file.
- Alternatively can also tick the parameters individually
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