Hopefully those who left this weekends T6 Forum weekend have got home safely by now, and those that decided to stay are still enjoying themselves.
I want to officially thank everyone for making a huge effort to turn up this weekend, some coming from as far away as Scotland, which I find very humbling and testimony to how much everyone who attend these weekends enjoys themselves.
I also want to give a huge praise to my partners in crime
@Dellmassive Lee and his beautiful wife Lisa, who without their help, it just wouldn't be possible to make these weekends so successful.
Lee has persuaded me to keep an active role going forward, with a promise to take a chunk of the load off my shoulders, so unfortunately for some, I'm still going to keep my hand in, contrary to what I said a few days ago.
These weekends take a huge logistical effort from the team I have around me, but none of it would be worth it, without the monumental effort of those that attend, both newbies and the hardcore regulars.
On that note: These weekends take a lot of persuasion with Brook Meadows, and this involves a lot of trust when they allow us to have almost 80% of their camp site, and this is always based on figures I give them for pitches attendance. We had a handful of 'no-shows' that for some reason only known to themselves, didn't notify me they weren't attending. This puts us in a very embarrassing position if the site owners see huge parts of their site empty without reason. This is not the people that officially let us know they couldn't attend at the last minute, because that we expect and respect, it's just a minority of people that just didn't turn up, and that's not really acceptable in my opinion, but we will move on and next year we will be in a position to take payments in advance to hopefully stop this kind of thing happening.
Enough said of that bit and I'd like people to respect that this matter is closed now, and concentrate on the positives.
I'm sure this thread will be flooded with some amazing pictures of the weekend, with highlights like the weather for one,
@Eli birthday, where he and his family purchased a huge cake and loads of extra drink for everyone

We also had a fly-by... Yep, literally. My good mates flew over the site on their Paramotor's a little too low for my nerves and the poor fishermen, the spectacular lighting that had this years 'Love Island' theme, and loads more packed into several days of Volkswagen's and the best bunch of people you could ever meet, so I look forward to seeing these.
Lastly, there was a member that told me how much he appreciated this weekend and how much his young Son enjoyed and needed this after a very tough year. I didn't say at the time, because I had a bit of lump in my throat, but things like that make all the effort worth it 100%.
That's all from me, and lets get planning the official T6 Forum Weekend 2022, which if the last 3 years has taught us, doubles in size each year