There is a Limited number of Tickets Available for the "T6F Summer Camp 22" weekender.
This is a PrePaid E-Ticket only event.
Anyone wishing to stay additional days before or after the event can do so and will pay the site direct. (we will be there from the tuesday before to the sunday or monday after)
EHU is available and will be allocated on a first come Fist served basis (there should be enough to go around). (@Tourershine will get everyone parked & setup as normal)
To get involved:
1- PM or email
@Dellmassive - dellmassive@gmail.com with your details, (this is for your E-Ticket)
First name:
Forum Name:
Van Reg:
Mobile No:
EHU: Y/N ?
2- Pay for your ticket with the details sent to you via email.
3- Your E-Ticket will be emailed back to you (this is to be used for site entry)
4- Arrive onsite, show E-ticket, Pitch up, have fun.
5- join the WhatsApp group if you wish (details closer to the time)
All Payments for the site pitch fees are now directly handled by Brook Meadow.
Please contact the site direct to pay deposit / in full.
Email is the preferred contact method, using the subject line below.
T6Forum Summer Camp - Booking ID-####
Brook Meadow
Welford Road
Market Harborough
LE16 9UJ
Telephone: 01858 880886
It costs a fortune to procure and bring up all the extra kit that creates the Disco Tent & Festival look and feel for the week/weekend.
With this in mind we are again setting up a
Donations pool for the 2022 event.
This will go towards:
Fire Wood,
Fire Pits,
Disco Tent,
Music, Speakers, Lights,
Central Entertainment area setup,
Love island style lighting,
Other Entertainment,
Admin with the site,
Admin & E-Tickets,
plus everything else,
please Donate as you see fit - this helps us grow the event and make it
"Bigger-er and Better-er"
Donate via BACS, account run by
please use your forum name as the reference ie : "T6F SC 22 donation - dellmassive" so we know whos donated and give thanks accordingly.
BACS details:
ACC: 61367617
SC: 400907
"The Donation Wall of Fame"
The honourable members that have donated to the cause will be forever be immortalised in the Donation Wall of Fame below.
Donate now to get your name on the list - Go on, you know you want too.