Found some banded Amoroks on Facebook marketplace which I'm strongly considering. They are 9j upfront and 9.5j at the rear....worried how the 9j up front would look? What's everyone's thoughts?
I'm on 8.5 on Solows and get the occasional rubbing but running 103 tyres so depends what setup you have.
Hi! Can anyone send some pictures about the balancing weights on banded steels? I suppose the weights are all inside the wheel, but need to know how…
Hi! Can anyone send some pictures about the balancing weights on banded steels? I suppose the weights are all inside the wheel, but need to know how…
Yes the weights typically go on the inside, think of your wheel like an alloy wheel and they stick on as per
I was having new tyres on a set of banded and the youth at the tyre centre had put knock on weights on the outside:eek:
Yes the weights typically go on the inside, think of your wheel like an alloy wheel and they stick on as per
I was having new tyres on a set of banded and the youth at the tyre centre had put knock on weights on the outside:eek:
If sbody try to put knock-on weights outside to my freshly powder coated steels, i will knock them out from the universe….:))))
Thnx for the info. Is like in the pictures attached? (Found on forum)IMG_0167.pngIMG_0165.png
Yeah typical on a steel wheel to just use knock ons .
As mentioned though it's mot the way some people would choose to do it .
Stick ons on the inside , nice clean likes and no chipped paint for the rust to start . :thumbsup:
Anyone got a contact for getting an amarok banded? Pot hole took one of my front 8.5s out :cry:
Thanks for that, good catch up, issue is they don't make amarok steels anymore... He might be able to repair :thumbsup:

Yeah, this is what I discovered when I asked him to make me a set just before Christmas. I searched high and low for anyone who still had non-banded Amaroks in stock and drew a blank.

Luckily a set of Duchy banded Amaroks popped up on Marketplace so I snapped them up. The occasional single non-banded Amarok steel pops up on eBay from time to time but they're holding strong money still.

Hopefully Damian can get it fixed for you.
Fingers crossed! Real ball ache not being able to find a wheel! If not may have to move onto some rotiform STLs but I don't want the 20s as the roads are shocking around here!