This years camping in the UK :-(

All these noisy dogs barking reminds me of camping near or next to farm land in Spain and France. Nearly all crop land have a dog kennel. 1 dog sets the whole country going. The owners live about 5 miles away in the towns and never hear their dogs howling through the night. Wood pigeon in forests, seagulls at the sea side. It's life, suck it up or move on, and go on a cruise. There's just the disco directly above your berth then.

There is a big difference between culture and nature to bad manners and inconsiderate d**kheads.
Totally agree with culture and inconsiderate people.
Perhaps not just a good camp site thread, but also a thread with inactive camp site owners. There is always Trip Advisor to turn to. Were a nation of moaners and not doers.
Fortunately it’s not like that everywhere. We’ve just got back from some time away in the van, two different sites for two nights each, no noise problems on either. By 10pm all was nice and quiet. Worst problem we had was at the second site the toilets and showers were in short supply, and some did tend to spend as long as they normally would at home in the shower, with a small queue forming outside….
All these noisy dogs barking reminds me of camping near or next to farm land in Spain and France. Nearly all crop land have a dog kennel. 1 dog sets the whole country going. The owners live about 5 miles away in the towns and never hear their dogs howling through the night. Wood pigeon in forests, seagulls at the sea side. It's life, suck it up or move on, and go on a cruise. There's just the disco directly above your berth then.
I had a close call in the foothills close to the Spanish Pyrenees a couple of years ago. The satnav was struggling with lanes and tracks, I spotted a rough looking house and thought I’d ask for directions. It took a split second for the dogs to attack and I just made back to the van. I won’t make that mistake again.
Nobody came to see what was happening.
Our last few stops have been on adult only sites. They have been so peaceful and relaxing with no stress. Its the future ;)
Most of the time I agree, just leaving one in Bosworth which has been wonderfully quiet.

Doesn’t always stop yapping and barking dogs though…..

Whilst visiting Bosworth Battlefield yesterday there was a toddler sitting with mum quietly. Couple come passed with a medium sized dog that goes mad towards the child for no reason. Child in tears. Couple walk off saying “it’s okay rover(?), good boy”. Smiling! WTAF. The kid is going to be frightened of dogs for a long time. This is exactly what happened with my granddaughter and at 7 she is still wary of dogs.

I used to love dogs, but the selfishness and absolute lack of awareness of some owners is giving them a bad name.
Don’t get me started on fouling! Our estate is pretty good and owners seem to mostly clear up. Country lane two minutes away its everywhere - need your wellies for blackberry and sloe picking!
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Yeah there's obviously loads of dog owners who just don't bother when they know that nobody is looking. Fortunately it's not quite as bad as the 70s and 80s when picking up dogshit was hardly even a thing and "who's trodden it in?" was a phrase you'd hear often.
We’re currently at Newlands, near Lyme Regis, we were here about 6 weeks ago and it’s night and day difference in the numbers of people. But, by 10pm it’s quiet, so it shows that some sites can be quiet. When we pulled up there were 15+ kids right near our pitch and I was thinking ‘here we go…’, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

*fingers still firmly crossed
Know we're going off topic with poo talk but I'll be honest if we're out for country walk I'll flick the poo into the hedgerows off the track/path, infact been on some campsite who actively encourage this. Just seems more environmentally better than putting it in a bag and leaving it hanging from a branch. We have it down to a fine art now and the Mrs is much happier not having to carry her poo back home. ;)
Know we're going off topic with poo talk but I'll be honest if we're out for country walk I'll flick the poo into the hedgerows off the track/path, infact been on some campsite who actively encourage this. Just seems more environmentally better than putting it in a bag and leaving it hanging from a branch. We have it down to a fine art now and the Mrs is much happier not having to carry her poo back home. ;)
Pick or kick! Simple
Yeah there's obviously loads of dog owners who just don't bother when they know that nobody is looking. Fortunately it's not quite as bad as the 70s and 80s when picking up dogshit was hardly even a thing and "who's trodden it in?" was a phrase you'd hear often.
At least it went white and powdery after a few days back then.
I found a spot in Genoa where the human population squats on the pavement, if you were ever thinking of visiting keep you eyes peeled.
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I found a spot in Genoa where the human population squats on the pavement, if you were ever thinking of visiting keep you eyes peeled.
Sounds like Moss Side on a Friday night :slow rofl: