Turn off Stop / Start

thank you I not ad air con on and don't know if it as heated screen it does have heated mirrors however I just jump in it go to work and come home until summer comes then il have a good look learning something new every day .they say your never to old lol .thank you again steve
Hi All
Does anyone know if this works with VCDS on a T5? And if so was it found that 002066 was the best value to use in the end or a different one due to what was discovered about it being affected by outside temperature?
T5 doesn’t have stop start.
Oh I must be mistaken and have been staling it all along then:mad:

I think you will find the shunt on the batteries negative, the A with a line through it on my dash and fact the bloody thing stops at every set of lights trumps what you think you know Deaky ;)

Now does anyone have an answer to my original Question please
For any that are interested it seems that a late T5 with stop start has the same setting in VAG.com as the T6 as everything appears the same as Loz has at at the top of the thread. Will report back if it doesn't work for any reason.

Hi ,everything as been fine no issues at all. Basically I do around 100 miles day all local , I work for a local breakdown company . Visiting people at their homes , in town driving , no problems at all .
Hi I have been using this for approx. 2 years now without any problems .But last week in the UK it was minus 8 centigrade.And at minus 1 the Stop/Start started to work normally, (switching off at lights junctions ) .It only did it for a few days .But now warmer is disabled it's self again .We don't expect it to be that cold again this year .
I have just found the simplest way to turn the damn thing on or off permanently

Before I start my van I squeezed a small piece of double sided 3M tape into the space at the top of the switch. In effect causing the switch to be in the ON position with the orange light lit up
It stays in place, hasn't fallen out and every time I start my van the orange light is ON and the damn stop start is OFF. That simple I have T6.1 January 2022 build Hope this helps from Australia Best wishes all AA
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