Ugly Duckling?


Senior Member
T6 Guru
Following this T6 a couple of days ago. I believe that it's a Bilbos Lezan. Circa £60.000!! Each to their own, but £60k to drive a T6 looking like this........?

Well......I have been down this route whilst trying to decide which camper layout is the best compromise.
Firstly you agonise over SWB or LWB
Then you agonise over standard height with a pop up or go for the high roof which gives you loads of extra storage etc.

The last thing I think about is how it looks from the rear, I’m looking out of the windscreen heading on my next adventure.

Ps we went for the LWB with pop up in the end.....
I'll fess up and say I had an Autosleeper Topaz T5 which was even uglier. I couldn't live with its looks in the end and sold it.img_8377-0.jpg