VB Air Suspension - Let's Discuss...

If anyone is interested, I have the instructions for you to reprogram the ASCU via the hand controller which were sent to me by A & E Leisure. Not actually tried it as I no longer have the vehicle with it on.
Thank you, I would be interested in the instructions.
Long story: I had VB air suspension fitted to my T32 Transporter in 2018 - at great expense.
Minimal improvement in ride, though the auto-level on campsites was very good.
However, after 3 (YES 3 !!) bag failures since then (the last with a projected 8-10 week wait for parts!!) I made the decision to just tear it out and start again with a shock/spring setup.

Will be posting this box of spanners back to VB!
Van now looks great too.


Hi on each corner there is a hight sensor, what i did is put a shorter length threaded bar which is what changes the ride hight . But in doing this you put less air into the bag so it makes the suspension softer. I have now removed the front vb air but left the rear
Hi! Sorry for bumping this up!
I have a t6 now on this set..
And i was looking if i can lower it 4cm in the front.
Is there somebody that has opened a strut of one of these? Is there a bumpstop in it?
Or do i need to do something at the strut itself?

Hi on each corner there is a hight sensor, what i did is put a shorter length threaded bar which is what changes the ride hight . But in doing this you put less air into the bag so it makes the suspension softer. I have now removed the front vb air but left the rear
Apologies for jumping in, how you finding the VB on the rear only?
Was thinking of taking mine off completely but I like the fact the back adjusts to my load. Does it still level to a certain extent?
hi it’s great I don’t have the problems people have with spring setup where if you keep changing the weight in the rear it looks to high unload or to low fully loaded
hi it’s great I don’t have the problems people have with spring setup where if you keep changing the weight in the rear it looks to high unload or to low fully loaded
That is one of the advantages it is such a pity that VB Air does not come with the best Damper / shock-absorber or offer choices.