VB Air Suspension - Let's Discuss...

If anyone is interested, I have the instructions for you to reprogram the ASCU via the hand controller which were sent to me by A & E Leisure. Not actually tried it as I no longer have the vehicle with it on.
Thank you, I would be interested in the instructions.
Long story: I had VB air suspension fitted to my T32 Transporter in 2018 - at great expense.
Minimal improvement in ride, though the auto-level on campsites was very good.
However, after 3 (YES 3 !!) bag failures since then (the last with a projected 8-10 week wait for parts!!) I made the decision to just tear it out and start again with a shock/spring setup.

Will be posting this box of spanners back to VB!
Van now looks great too.


Hi on each corner there is a hight sensor, what i did is put a shorter length threaded bar which is what changes the ride hight . But in doing this you put less air into the bag so it makes the suspension softer. I have now removed the front vb air but left the rear