We do sell thousands of these , and the complaints about noises are usually nothing to do with the shocks and springs . Drop links and mounts usually the culprit . , occasionally D bushes .
I have a set of Active Koni shocks on my van at the moment that a client had fitted and was complaining about noises , he had fitted new drop links , but still complained about noises and asked if he could send them back for me to check them ? He had fitted some standard shocks on to the van and the noise stopped . On arrival here we could immediately see the issue , CHEAP drop links which didnt have a big enough surface area to bite nicely to the shock bracket had worn into the metal and even though it was tight , it moved on certain bumps . see pic 1 . I took the shocks fitted them to my T32 and swapped the left to the right so we had 2 fresh new drop link holes holes , with proper drop links the car is faultless after 2 months of testing , they are still in and the ride is superb . If this client is on here and reading this please get in touch as i would like to return them to you
The other rare issue we have seen is the springs touching the support tab of the spring plate . as per second picture . We felt that this was probably caused by the Press that punches the plate out , the tab wasnt perpendicular to the base and it touched the spring second coil . there are so many variants here , Weight of the van the spring used the length of the bump stops , all factors which can influence this .
Please check this
@garwoodfire .
Thinks to remember about the plague of the drop link on a transporter , The drop links take more stress when we lower the vans , ( the lower the more stress ) and when we fit 20 inch wheels . these are the common factors that we dont take into account chasing noises on the suspension
Top tip , if you have a suspected drop link noise , remove one completely , if the noise vanishes, swap the shocks left to right and fit new drop lings , 99.99 % this will sort it out .
If the issue is the spring touching coil 2 , the tab needs to be knocked upright to clear the issue
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